Forum Discussion
removed? no
nerfed? yes.
literally getting 2 tapped from 30 meters back, in under 1 second, when you're on purple armor 100% with 100% health is the most poorly designed thing in this game, not even a kraber can do that outside of a headshot.
Honestly it's so broken in its current state I think it should be removed. At least until they can find proper balance for it.
-They are way to common
-Range is way to far
-Damage is way to high (Whoever thought it should 2 shot someone in purple armor needs to be fired)
-It needs no attachments to be this good
Not to mention every single person you come across has one. If by some god like miracle they don't it's only because they didn't find one or they are somehow unaware of how stupidly broken the gun is.
Everything else balance wise is pretty damn good but that gun is just stupid.
- 7 years ago
No, its a shotgun not a water gun , its suppose to hurt, if anything the range should be nerf a little but outside of that its fine, shotguns , smgs are weapons that suppose to shred you in close range, leave it to you guys the only good guns in the game are gonna be lmg's and Assault rifles.
- 7 years ago
Yeah other guns are supposed to hurt too. The Peacekeeper makes every single gun at close range irrelevant. You will not beat it with any AR, Sniper, Smg, or Pistol in the game. Maybe if the person using the shotgun has nubs for hands and is an all around * of a human being...otherwise not a chance in hell.
There shouldn't be an end all be all gun for close range which is exactly how this game is already. That is a massive balance problem. If you can't see the issue in that than there is no helping you.
also if you read my post at all I said everything else in this game is pretty balanced.
- 7 years ago
"The Peacekeeper makes every single gun at close range irrelevant. You will not beat it with any AR, Sniper, Smg, or Pistol in the game." - MagmaticWolf
Oh really?
Quick scope headshot from the Kraber. Sniper ✓
G7-Scout does over 50 damage on headshot even to purple helmet and has a rate of fire almost 5x higher. Sniper again ✓
R-99 has the 2nd highest non-headshot DPS in the game (minus mastiff). SMG ✓
Devotion has the highest headshot or bodyshot DPS in the game. LMG ✓ (assuming turbo charger)
R-301 has the 2nd hightest headshot DPS in the game (minus mastiff). AR ✓
Wingman has a higher fire rate and with skull piercing attachment does at least 84 damage on each headshot. Pistol ✓
Looks like you're wrong on all accounts.
Quick run down on TTK for each one of the above
assumptions made
purple helmet
full purple armor
full HP
100% accuracy / 100% of pellets hit
Peacekeeper assuming all pellets hit (headshot or not doesn't matter) = 1.03s
Kraber quickscope headshot = instant
G7-Scout all headshots = ~0.88s
G7-Scout all bodyshots = ~1.32s
R-99 all headshots = ~0.71s
R-99 all bodyshots = ~0.88s
Devotion all headshots = ~0.46s (assuming turbo charger)
Devotion all bodyshots = ~0.73s (assuming turbo charger)
R-301 all headshots = ~0.75s
R-301 all bodyshots = ~1.17s
Wingman all headshots = ~0.59s (assuming skull piercing)
Wingman all bodyshots = ~1.17s
BONUS peacekeeper can lose in TTK to the EVA-8 as well *
EVA-8 all headshots = ~0.94s
EVA-8 all bodyshots = ~1.41s
The only thing the peacekeeper needs done about it is have a slightly larger pellet spread so it isn't as good at range.
- 7 years ago
@MagmaticWolf wrote:-They are way to common
This. I have never seen the other shotgun ever, just Peacekeeper, the auto shotgun and the pistol.
- 7 years ago
@CherryC0p wrote:
@MagmaticWolf wrote:-They are way to common
This. I have never seen the other shotgun ever, just Peacekeeper, the auto shotgun and the pistol.
The Legendary rare one that can only drop from supply drops? :')
Ofc you never seen the other one as its a RARE drop...
All the guns are OP to some of you its so sad to read....
Wingman OP, r-301 OP, Spitfire OP, Peacekeeper OP XD.
I dont get it, you see a Peacekeeper dont rush him... Simple as that lol....- 7 years ago
The Wingman needs to be looked at, it's way too good in the hands of some people. That said: for the average joe is below average. And i get that skilled players should be rewarded, but not THAT much. And better than me trying to explain why.... here's a video explaining:
Now the peacekeeper, not sure how i feel about that. It's the nubetube, but it's so straight up strong at stock that even streamers, that even if not that good have WAY more skill than the average joe, use that. 99% time.
I Feel that it needs to rely more in the parts of the weapon. Some weapons start to shine when you got it decked out with the stock, magazine mag,barrel, etc. Meanwhile the peacekeeper just destroy from the very start, everything else is just the icing of the cake. Maybe they need to reduce it's ammo and add magazine addon to it. Dunno.
- 7 years ago
I have tried to refuse to use it. There are times when I land, have no guns, and refused to pick it up.
Every game I have lost standing in the last 2 squad positions have been due to a team of peace keepers running up and killing me like its nothing.
I usually run the eva8, and another gun, or an smg and another gun... but either way... despite being so annoyed seeing the peacekeeper all the time, I am probably going to have to start using it just to win those end game situations... and this makes me angry. I've never been one to play overpowered weapons to try to make myself look like I'm a good player.... but again.. I see them so often that I am to the point of having to start carrying one...
In all honesty, the gun in the hands of the average player, isn't bad. Its only an issue when you run into a player that can actually use it. As in, really good with flicks and tracking. If an avg player has one, I can dodge most of their shots and 1v1 them no problem.
I think the best fix for this would to make it more like a double barrel, that needs to be reloaded after every shot, giving a 2-3 second window between shots with it. - 6 years agoi hate peacekeeper and everyone who plays it. screw that * I never pick it up, i'd rather die. this so broken at least put it in the drops like the mastiff (which isn't as good as a peacekeeper)
- 6 years ago
Peacekeeper should be nerfed. It's best shotgun. And with choke it's best sniper. Havoc using 5 bullets for rail mode and deal less damage.
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