Forum Discussion
@Comanglia the problem with your change is that it will turn the peacekeepr in a version of the Eva. We want unique weapons, that's why reducing the ammo is ideal. It rewards accuracy but if you mess up you have to reload. And your oponent have time to kill you.
Which change?
Reducing the effective range wouldn't lead to the peacekeeper becoming basically an EVA-8. Peacekeeper would still be about burst damage while the EVA-8 would be about sustained damage for CQC, mostly due to fire rate and reload speeds not clip/mag size.
Making the peacekeeper have only 2 shots even with current damage turns it into garbage.
Making the peacekeeper 3-4 shots and people will still complain it's to easy to 2-3 shot players, complain more about the game being a "reload simulator" (not quoting you), OR that they can just reload behind cover just like they can peek out for short period between shots. hell 3 shots is still enough to knock all 3 players in a squad if they've all been in a fight. No to mention 3 shots would just be awkward af when the model clearly shows the ability to have at least 4 shots.
Making the peacekeeper do 80 base damage (-30 damage from current) will still have players complain it's to easy to be 1 shot headshot by it as a fresh drop OR 3 shotting purple armor (assuming it has more than 2 shots)
People are going to complain about the weapon regardless of what stats it has unless it's complete garbage. It is not an issue that a shotgun is good at close range, that is exactly what it is supposed to be. Being to good at mid range though? yeah that's a problem that needs addressed. Being to good at taking down a full squad? I'm sorry but if a single player rushes 3 people and gets all 3 of them before they got knocked down themselves they 100% earned it regardless of what weapon they were using.
- 7 years ago
It will. The peacemaker and the eva will be the weapon that you pick to short range and pray to shot the enemy and get a HS.
As strange as it sounds if you add spray to the peacekeeper it will be even better. Because it will be easier to jump around and hit people until they die with it.And like i said Peacekeeper with 2 shots will make it a finesse weapon. Saying it will be garbage doesn't tell half of the truth, because it will still be a strong weapon but it will be a rewarding weapon. Unlike it's right now that users range from people that just started to players that play 12h+ every day.
All the changes you guys try to do "spread, rof, damage, blablabla" is all good in the paper but the player will look at it and see "oh so it's a eva-9 now". Because in the paper they will be different weapons but the player will see it as the same weapon where you change 2 ammo to some extra damage. - 6 years agohonestly an Eva-8 with a shotgun bolt is almost just as good.
- 6 years ago
Shotguns in PUBG, and Blackout are High reward, High Risk, pubg has the double Barrel (2rounds) and the Pump action shotgun (5 rounds), and COD Blackout have Mog12(4rounds) and sg12(6 rounds) every shotgun have great damage but you need to get super close to someone to get a good shot in those games, nothing like PK on apex, PK its a High Reward Low Risk Weapon because even at 10-15meters range, PK hit 50-80 damage without a choke and there's almost no difference between ads and hip-fire, at this range that damage is half of the HP with a Blue shield, PK have 6 shots, non of the other shotguns have that many rounds and insane damage at mid range, another difference is that on pubg and Cod blackout get closer to someone is a risky move, in apex a pathfinder, wraith or an octane can use their ultimate moves and get you closer with almost no risk.
The PK need some kind of nerf:
.-Remove the pellet size increase buff, PK never needed that buff, i think this is the main reason why is stupidly OP right now, stills needed a nerf before that change.
.-Reduce the pellet damage by 3. body: 77, headshot-132, leg-55, increase dispersion by 40% on ads and 60% on hip fire, reduce magazine size to 4, reduce fire rate to 0.70 and remove the choke from PK.
This changes will increase the risk of using it, and will remove the mid-long range capabilities and the pk will still be a very good weapon at close range.
I'm open to hear arguments or changes to my proposal.
- 5 years ago@audiofilomx That headshot stat seems false. I have gone up to a dummy and shot them in the head, it did only 143 damage. It’s likely this was a helmet, but in a real game most people would have a helmet anyway.
- 5 years ago
I expect most that want the PK removed are R99 users.
- 5 years ago
@Sir_NamedTThose stats are old, this is very old, i don't think that Pk should be removed but needs a nerf, an ammo reduction and keep the same damage. To increase risk and keep the high reward.
- 5 years ago@audiofilomx Yea that would work, maybe remove choke as well.
At the end of the day it's a lever action shotgun so it should be good at close range. Rof reduction could work as well to balance it with the eva 8. They shouldn't go to far with the nerfs as otherwise the R99 will be even more meta.
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