Forum Discussion
Ability to toggle between owned skins, unlockable skins and limited time only skins like event skins and recolors. | |
The ability to combine Rare and Uncommon Skins for additional customisation. |
OldDew |
Being able to trade in unused skins for crafting metals | |
An option to give your skins to a friend. |
More generalized stat trackers showing your overarching kills etc among all legends, for people that don't use certain legends very often but want their team members to know that they are competent. | |
Stat trackers for global legend wins |
OldTreeCreeper |
New Challenging badges to acquire, upgraded versions of some of the older badges, with new levels to unlock. | |
Ability to show your club emblem in one of your badge slots. | |
Being able to set badges globally | |
Show what % of player has a certain badge when hovering over a badge (either in the menu, but also on the champion screen or teammate menu). | |
The ability to like someone's banner by clicking a like button in the champion screen/teammate screen. Allows for a bit more connectivity in the waiting before a match. |
DYSPROssium |
Add a tracker for how many banner likes you have gotten with that legend. |
DYSPROssium |
Show the banners of the winners on the End-of-round screen, how many they killed that match. |
DYSPROssium |
Show the 3 badges on a banner on the right of the name when looking in a dead box. | |
A way to be able to see whether you have a certain badge for any legend, instead of going into every legend page and looking it up. | |
Being able to save a banner for Arenas and a banner for Battle Royal mode. | |
Make the stats of wins/kills changing based on if you play Arenas or Battle Royal. | |
A way of showing on the banners if you want to talk/chat or not. |
Ability to chose default skydive emote. |
Ability to equip and unequip skydive emotes |
Rework event trackers into "paint jobs" that you can apply on all the different stat trackers. |
Ability to have music match whichever legend that you have chosen with their theme. |
New counter when opening packs showing how close you are to opening 500 packs towards your 150 Heirloom shard packs. |
Being able to add random favourites for finishers, banner frames and banner poses.s |
Remove the limit on all favorite options. |
Do not change the legend selection on PC when you left-click on a different one. Only change the legend selection with the middle mouse button. |
DYSPROssium |
Do not change the legend selection if you had to pick a different legend in the last match than what you actually wanted. | |
Ability to hover over the icons in the item list to show from which season they are. Or make a listing function where all the icons with their names are placed. |
DYSPROssium |
Make tips in the legend screen dependent on the level of the player. E.g. more advanced tips are shown to lvl 100+. Allow players to click 'understood' on a hint which hides the hint from the screen. Add a menu where all hints can be seen in a list. If a player has 'understood' all basic hints, give them a badge. Add new hints with new legends. |
DYSPROssium |
Add cross progression for PC and consoles. | |
Be able to change legend customization without deselecting your favorite legend. | |
Sort challenges in the menu by gamemode, weapons, or legends required. | |
Make the gun charm screen easier to navigate and order. | |
Show heirlooms when emoting and finishing other legends. |
Updraft on Worlds Edge now carries you much higher into the air, so getting stuck in an updraft loop is much harder. |
Allow players to switch visual for spiders into other creatures if they have severe Arachnophobia. |
Ability to go into Firing Range with team while waiting for a game |
Being able to toggle the walking dummies in the firing range through menu or a simple button. |
Instant revive option for practising 1v1's with friends. |
You can try locked legends in the firing range |
More settings to customise your experience in Firing Range (e.g. Instant Respawn, Keep Loot upon Death, infinite ammo, infinite mags, infinite abilities) |
Change your weapon and legend skins while still in the firing range |
A secret vault in the firing range that houses all of the vaulted weapons and hop-ups, including floor versions of current CP weapons. |
When reloading care package weapons in the FR their Ammo is instantly replenished |
Add doors and houses to the firing range. |
Give the test dummies in the Firing Range Low Profile and Fortified |
When switching on friendly fire give option to hide and mute teammates so during the training we can't see what's the health status and where the sound is coming from. |
Add loot boxes and tridents to firing range. |
Toggle to turn of ability cooldowns. |
Being able to organize a private match, possibly with the club. | |
Make leaving a game before being in a deathbox as a death. | |
Implement a damage received stat. | |
Implement a netgraph to help troubleshoot network issues. |
Add leaderboards for Ranked. | |
Give players ranked forgiveness when a server crashes or is Slow Motion |
DYSPROssium |
Allow players to see how much RP they have gained when you have died but your squad is still alive. |
Be able to see stats of teammates and opponents during the match. | |
An after the match stats screen showing the result of both teams, including damage, kills and deaths. | |
Show weapons in care package during match as well. | |
Don't give out abandon penalties if one of the teammates is disconnected (thus AFK) for a certain period of time. | |
Remember chat messages during the different screens. | |
Rework the sound of opening the shop to make it better for people with tinnitus. | |
Make quitting a game also reset the win-streak arenas badge. |
Placeholder 2
- 4 years ago
The ability to play keyboard and mouse on console because I'm gutted that I will have to buy an expensive pc to play keyboard and mouse ☹️
- 4 years ago
Would love to have aim assist turned off on downed players. Many times have I been unable to focus my aim on the player shooting me whenever downed players are nearby.
- 4 years agoI would like to make the following requests regarding two things.
1) In-game settings should support AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution or NVIDIA Scaling SDK to improve performance. For this upscaling, the minimum resolution to be upscaled should be 1280x720 or lower.
🏈 In-game settings should include a setting to completely single out backlighting and a setting to drastically reduce calculations for sunlight, etc., to improve performance.- 4 years ago@youmunohito for me Apex has had FPS drops at certain map places since day one and I mean some places I get 90 maybe even less while uncapped my average is 220+
No reply about it from EA, forums or whatever, even pros I have checked out due to this particular issue seem to have the same drops and I assume they are running like 3070TI upwards.
And the funny part is I am playing on 2k yet the same thing happens if I change details to absolute lowest - like 720p and low res where I can't even see enemies 🙂
Apex code, not sure if it would be compatible or stable with upscaling...- 4 years ago
@EREGDS Unless FPS drops in certain map locations, overall performance is a GTX1080 on a desktop PC, but NVIDIA Image Scaling and Sharpening also improves it significantly. (This is an upscale of 720p.) However, I could not use this feature on my business trip laptop. upscaling resolutions below 720p with AMD FidelityFX SuperResolution or NVIDIAScalingSDK support will greatly improve the performance. We believe that upscaling resolutions below 720p will greatly improve performance. We also believe that removing reflected light such as sunlight will further improve performance.
- 3 years ago
Pls add the option to use keyboard and mouse on console
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