Forum Discussion

Re: Lifeline nerf

@adamcrofts77 Aye um shes doesn't have defensive skills, she has health now.
Look on the bright side theres no need 4 med kits.
Your guaranteed an upgrade to your loot.

Hp and Hp.

=Save em, Buff em=

4 Replies

  • No the doc drone shield was apart of lifeline since the beginning now it's gone there no point in having a lifeline 

  • Triumphkutter's avatar
    4 years ago

    not it was NOT part of lifeline since the beginning.

    at first she could heal herself faster and had faster revive on an ally.

    then they reworked her into the shield and automatic revive.

    i think she recieved a buff overall this season.

    while losing her reviveshield her ult now always comes with a upgrade for her gear.

    this is actually more usefull 90% of the time, as abilitys that only apply on downed teammates first need them to get downed.

  • lifelines whole thing was (from the start of season 1) about giving her teammates and herself health through her drone and her supply drop which normally gave health and some form of potential defense gear, while also having the ability to revive faster than other legends and protect herself while doing so using the doc drone to make a shield in front of where she was looking. this recent change is geared more to the fast pace that the devs set within the game. her supply drop has almost always came with an upgrade to her or her teams defense gear so as per this it feels like they are taking us to a weird direction from what she was originally and became by making her go from a character who helps those (docter or rescue team) that can get you healed and revived from a near death situation, along with a giving her team the upgrades to keep them a step ahead to that but without the protection.

  • CCbathwater's avatar
    4 years ago

    @TriumphkutterI finally played this mess of a season and I can now safely say... Lifeline didn't get buffed. The cp is still useless. 4 cells, 2 syringes, purple knockdown shield, blue barrel mod, and a scope. Loba, give me some defensive gear!! The drone which all the Lifeline haters said was "gonna be huuuuge" is better but still essentially useless. The best thing is the silly low profile being gone. So yeah, all-in-all, Lifeline was mega nerfed. Still playing her, and I'm gonna finish and/or tbag every Gibby I kill and every bow player. And if I have spare ammo I'm gonna empty a couple of clips... sorry Bangalore, magazines, into their deathboxes.

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