5 years ago
I swear ! I got killed by a guy level 60 ! plz it's a beginner ! MASTIFF requires no shot ! How to ruin a game with 12 bombs cuz of this noob gun ! get brain when you are doing some updates !
Still nothing for mastiff ? i took just 110 without difficulty cuz there is no spread on this weapon. All beginners are able to use it.
@Ff3NiXx The R-99 is really easy to use at close range and debateably easier than the Mastiff. The Mastiff is debateably stronger at close range which it should be. Shotguns should beat out most other weapons at barrel stuffing range.
You pushed a shotgun user at close range and were punished for it.
@Ff3NiXx Normally I only dive into close range after we break a target's shields or if I've caught them off guard. It's also not hard to escape a Mastiff due to the slow firing rate, need for precision, and limited range. Even if you can't escape it... What gun can you escape at point blank?
You're not getting away from me if I have a R301, R-99, Flatline, alternator or any easy to use gun if I'm winning a fight.
Lastly most of the commonly used guns don't require much skill to use unless you're using them outside of their intended range.
Edit: Sorry for the late reply but there was a mini crisis here.
Stil nothing for the MASTIFF ??? i just got instant at 15 meters. This weapon is not for close range, it's for mid range too ? what a joke respawn learn to balance this game !