Forum Discussion
nerfed ? i disagree just get better at aiming why woude you punish others for being good at aiming ?.
sry if my english is a bit broken still getting better at it 🙂
- 7 years agoWingman is the love letter to pistol or revolver users. I feel its in the right place. Mozambique needs a massive buff and the other one too or a niche use. I cant even remember the name of the other one.
Maybe more or less a QoL change for other weapons first, and see were we are then. - 7 years ago
- I suggest a nerf or removal.
- Or buff the SMG and assault rifles .
- You have to put 45 bullets into someone and only 3-5 with a wingman
- 7 years ago
punish for good aiming xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD that's funny you don't even need to iam with that just saying so stupid
- 7 years ago
@PuRPl3_4k1 wrote:nerfed ? i disagree just get better at aiming why woude you punish others for being good at aiming ?.
sry if my english is a bit broken still getting better at it 🙂
Perfect example of a bad player boosted ego off a newb weapon....people good with the weapon think it needs nerfed.
- 7 years ago
because being good at aiming with this gun makes it unfair for the people that didnt get one
- 6 years ago
Due to low tickrate and lag compensation I can barely hit people with the wingman. I can barely hit people with various guns. And then other guns are too easy to use like 301, spit, and 99. This game has too * of balance for my liking.
PS4 here. I just want improvements to the net code for one.
- 6 years ago
This is one of the most balanced multiplayers I have played in a LONG time
and they are approaching balance correctly which is SLOWLY soo many games try to fix everything all at once and go way overboard and break it in a whole new way and then they overcorrect again and break it in a new way.
slow changes bit by bit
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