Forum Discussion
too surreal if ta purple vest purple helmet takes 2 shot dies ta 12 shots of r301 and does not knock over everyone else playing wingman's so it's better to take the rest of the weapon out of the game and change the name to wingman
- 6 years ago
Already been a post about nerfing the wingman, it just needs a rate of fire nerf and a hipfire accuracy penalty
- 6 years ago
@PholanxTTV wrote:Already been a post about nerfing the wingman, it just needs a rate of fire nerf and a hipfire accuracy penalty
Actually it needs a rate of fire nerf. Lower ammo to start say 4? And also needs some bullet drop off for range.
Hip fire is fine everything in this game is too accurate when hip fired so no point in singlying this out.
- 6 years ago
The wingman is single handedly ruining the game for me, and this is the only BR I've liked (which I've been hearing a lot of other people say). It's not fun running into someone who has extremely good aim with the wingman because you're dead almost instantly and no other gun does that (kraber/mastiff don't count) at all ranges. It's not fun losing to someone who clearly can't aim for *, spams the wingman, and drops you in a couple seconds with rng lucky hits. How do I know they can't aim? Because they go through 2 clips of the R99 and miss almost every shot, or they have a peacekeeper on 2 and deal almost no damage to you. It seems like it has less bullet drop than snipers, shoots faster, and does almost the same damage as the longbow sniper. It deals too much damage, has too many attachments, way too much capacity on any mag, and is way too easy to use.
Even I can use the wingman relatively effectively and I'm usually pretty awful with guns like that, such as the Deagle in CSGO which requires a lot of practice and actually requires good aim. With the peacekeeper you at least have to be good at snapping your shot or really good at tracking, and the R99 like every other automatic weapon you have to be good at tracking. If somebody destroys me with the R99 or the Peacekeeper then I don't actually mind because I can do the same thing with the Peacekeeper most of the time, not so much with the R99.
Drop the damage by 10, remove every mod but the sight, and take away it's perfect accuracy ADS spamming. I don't care if console and PC end up getting different balance, if plebs want to play an FPS on a controller then go ahead but having something like the wingman on PC just feels bad and only rewards the top tier players and severely punishes most everyone else. Imagine how different the game would be if the wingman wasn't in the game? 1 gun completely defines the current meta, which wouldn't really exist if it wasn't in the game. Some people prefer the R301 over the R99, Eva8 over Peacekeeper, Hemlock over Flatline, etc. It blows my mind that people think this gun is fine as is.
- 6 years ago@LettanTK What?
- 6 years ago
I have been saying the same exact thing like why did they develop all these weapons? The wingman is the best and only gun in the game you need to carry, the game should just be called wingman wars or something because that is all this game is. I'm literally sick and tired of even playing right now cause 4 games in a row now I've died to teams with everyone on the team shooting wingmans, like oh wow such variety in the game play. Like seriously how the hell do I shoot someone like 15 times with a rifle and they turn and hit me 3 times with a pistol non-headshots and kill me? it's even worse in team fights and you get hit with 3 people carrying wingmans you don't last a second in a fight the damn gun makes ever other gun look like a joke and in turn making this game look like a joke.
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