Forum Discussion
@Karsot wrote:This is a game not a sport. All BR games are competitive and do not have divisions.
PUBG has a rating system that is not skill based MM either. Just approximation to the rating of the current squad leader. In other words, a noob can be appointed leader of a squad and you will be fighting against noobs even if you are Shroud.
Moving on now. If you die in 2 seconds then you are obviously doing something wrong. Check were you land, learn to hear what is going on around you and learn the areas that offer better quality loot as well as flank areas. On top of that maybe learn how shoot in the practice range ,since we have one and you can practice at different ranges will all weapons, with both static and moving targets. People that have been playing FPS games and BR games longer than you will beat you up always, until you get on their level.
People that have better degrees than you get a better paying job than you and drive a more expensive car than you. This is how everything in life works. Get better and you can beat them.
Also let's assume that they indeed implement that. The top palyers will have to wait for a very long time to get into a match. The low skill players will also have to wait a long time and the only players that will be able to find matches fast are the mediocre players. Why? Because bell curve and math.
On top of that what about trolls and throwers? Let's assume we found a solution for all of the above problems. This is a team game if we put together players we expect them to work together. Now if your team is bad it was 0 effect on you. You just queue up for next game and hope to do better. If you get trolls thought and we implement your moronic suggestions and you lose you will lose rating. Eventually you might drop division or even get trapped at the lowest ranks where people will 100% troll.
Now do you get why this is not going to be implemented in a BR game?
LMAO, I didn't read past the first lines. first of all, Their FAQ says the method they use is an ELO, not a rating based on any stats. And the exact method they use is secret "alot of is behind closed doors".
So what research have you done bud? Because only people that work for the company know exactly how they match players. Now I have never played PUBG. But I do know people that have that have told me after they implemented their form of MMR< they were never grouped with people on the lvl of DrDisrespect as an avg or below avg player again. The matches got more competitive in their opinion.
Also the game has a solo queue to even better rank players. Furthermore, after many games played a players ELO averages out. Not only that, Even if it is based on squad leader as you say it is, then so what? That squad leader is put in a squad of people, and a server with similar MMR.
So again, TLDR...
Also it seems PUBG did a real lazy mmr, and even that was helpful. I think respawn could do an even better job then pubg did because their matchmaker in titanfall 2 is exceptional. They could take all stats into account. But of course this would cost money and hiring the right people to be done right. Too bad gaim theory went out of business cause noone ever takes this stuff serious enough.
But anything is better then nothing.
- 6 years ago
@RichAC wrote:Also it seems PUBG did a real lazy mmr, and even that was helpful. I think respawn could do an even better job then pubg did because their matchmaker in titanfall 2 is exceptional. They could take all stats into account. But of course this would cost money and hiring the right people to be done right. Too bad gaim theory went out of business cause noone ever takes this stuff serious enough.
But anything is better then nothing.Titanfall, just like any other game with a pure focus on combat, does not have Battle Royale's duality problem. In a game that is purely about fighting it is very simple to match people by their fragging performance.
- 6 years ago
@2deski wrote:
@RichAC wrote:Also it seems PUBG did a real lazy mmr, and even that was helpful. I think respawn could do an even better job then pubg did because their matchmaker in titanfall 2 is exceptional. They could take all stats into account. But of course this would cost money and hiring the right people to be done right. Too bad gaim theory went out of business cause noone ever takes this stuff serious enough.
But anything is better then nothing.Titanfall, just like any other game with a pure focus on combat, does not have Battle Royale's duality problem. In a game that is purely about fighting it is very simple to match people by their fragging performance.
Fragging performance should definitely be counted. I would also say so does damage done and other stats. but why couldn't they also rank by wins? You find that overly complicated? I don't see why...
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