@RichAC wrote:
@Karsot wrote:
This is a game not a sport. All BR games are competitive and do not have divisions.
PUBG has a rating system that is not skill based MM either. Just approximation to the rating of the current squad leader. In other words, a noob can be appointed leader of a squad and you will be fighting against noobs even if you are Shroud.
Moving on now. If you die in 2 seconds then you are obviously doing something wrong. Check were you land, learn to hear what is going on around you and learn the areas that offer better quality loot as well as flank areas. On top of that maybe learn how shoot in the practice range ,since we have one and you can practice at different ranges will all weapons, with both static and moving targets. People that have been playing FPS games and BR games longer than you will beat you up always, until you get on their level.
People that have better degrees than you get a better paying job than you and drive a more expensive car than you. This is how everything in life works. Get better and you can beat them.
Also let's assume that they indeed implement that. The top palyers will have to wait for a very long time to get into a match. The low skill players will also have to wait a long time and the only players that will be able to find matches fast are the mediocre players. Why? Because bell curve and math.
On top of that what about trolls and throwers? Let's assume we found a solution for all of the above problems. This is a team game if we put together players we expect them to work together. Now if your team is bad it was 0 effect on you. You just queue up for next game and hope to do better. If you get trolls thought and we implement your moronic suggestions and you lose you will lose rating. Eventually you might drop division or even get trapped at the lowest ranks where people will 100% troll.
Now do you get why this is not going to be implemented in a BR game?
LMAO, I didn't read past the first lines. first of all, Their FAQ says https://pubg.gamepedia.com/Frequently_Asked_Questions_(FAQ) the method they use is an ELO, not a rating based on any stats. And the exact method they use is secret "alot of is behind closed doors".
So what research have you done bud? Because only people that work for the company know exactly how they match players. Now I have never played PUBG. But I do know people that have that have told me after they implemented their form of MMR< they were never grouped with people on the lvl of DrDisrespect as an avg or below avg player again. The matches got more competitive in their opinion.
Also the game has a solo queue to even better rank players. Furthermore, after many games played a players ELO averages out. Not only that, Even if it is based on squad leader as you say it is, then so what? That squad leader is put in a squad of people, and a server with similar MMR.
So again, TLDR...
That FAQ is outdated. First, every one of six modes had their own separate ELOs (solo, duo, squad in TPP and FPP), as they should. Having a solo mode does not help, it's the opposite. All regions also had separate ELOs as well. Maps however, did not have separate ELOs, even though they totally should have as map knowledge is an extremely big part of player skill in PUBG.
In my experience, MMR only made a noticeable difference in the early days when there were a lot of new players. Back then I would get a pretty wild easy mode any time a season restarts and ELOs are reset. But, during 2018 MMR effects seem to have practically disappeared. I don't know how much it had to do with the dwindling player numbers and how much with algorithm changes and removal of region selection. But I'd bet at least part of the answer is that MMR was only ever useful at separating those super new players from the rest. As playerbase matured that MMR became useless. So now they actually removed ELO-based leaderboards and replaced them with completely irrelevant rankings based purely on how much people play (just like all these trackers in Apex for level, kills, headshots, etc).
For example, back in the ELO days, I have been ranked in top 1k in EU FPP solos from time to time. Since that rating is all about placement (as you can read in FAQ it has nothing to do with kills), and this was also before Faceit MM or custom games existed, you would expect me to be matched with all serious players that don't hot drop, players that play like competitive matches are played, right? Well, wrong, no matter what ELO I had half the server consistently died in the first minute in hot drops. And it was exactly the same for even the top 10 players. It did not work. Apparently with 100 player lobbies and 35 minute games it is almost impossible to match top players together with any reasonable queue times. Again, huge part of the problem is that most players simply don't play the game competitively. Even though PUBG did add a ranking system to encourage that, streamers sentiment (basically complaining about people not being suicidal) won.
At the same time, with placement based MMR, hot dropping is abusing the system. You ever heard people that hot drop tell you that they either die quickly or have a great game. That's how it works with placement-based MMR. When I decided to do hot drops for a while I noticed just how ridiculously fast your rating drops when you do that. And it's not surprising. From the game's point of view, you are an absolute idiot. There is an 8x8 kilometer map and yet you consistently manage to die in the first minute. So when you finally make it out alive your rating dropped so much that the average level of other players is suddenly lower.
It doesn't matter if some people you know have told you that DrDisrespect is not matched with low-level players. Placement based MMR is absolutely irrelevant in regards to how these streamers play most of the time. In their case all that matters is kill rating. They would need a separate mode with a separate kill-based ELO system. Except I doubt they'd play it if it existed. In a perfectly working kill-based matchmaking everyone's average kills per game should be at around 0.5, half a kill per game. I don't think Doc is actually that high level, yet he still got 10+ kill games regularly. A 10 kill game against equally capable opponents should only happen once in 1024 games on average. Shroud was regularly able to score 20-kill games (20 kill games would only happen once in about 1,048,576 games, yes a million games, so a presence of a 20-kill badge in Apex kinda hints at how much Respawn care about this kind of matchmaking). And even he is far from the worst example (worth noting that a lot of his kills are often unarmed stream snipers). Whenever I see some actually competitive pro PUBG players like Ubah or Fuzzface playing pubs, it's just ridiculous how often they happen to be at 20 kills with no stream snipers, even solo vs squads. The difference in combat skills of players matched together in PUBG is absolutely tremendous. Just as it is in Apex. Mendo's 36 kill record would have taken about 7 billion tries if he was matched with equal opponents. PUBG record is even higher, at 43.