7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
Ever heard of a strange thing called making and having friends? There won't be a solo or duo because the whole idea behind this game is based on teamplay. Get friends and play with them. Problem solved.
That's probably one of the dumbest arguments i ve seen in a long time here. You are aware that are people who want to play alone in video games and not have any social interaction with anyone...2) This game wont survive without the ability to play Solo/Duo its consider a must 3)there is a tweet from Apex that solo/duo will be implemented
@NiCoDeLaGreKo wrote:That's probably one of the dumbest arguments i ve seen in a long time here. You are aware that are people who want to play alone in video games and not have any social interaction with anyone...2) This game wont survive without the ability to play Solo/Duo its consider a must 3)there is a tweet from Apex that solo/duo will be implemented
Haven't found a single word on their twitter about Solo/Duo. Can uoi drop a link please?
@NiCoDeLaGreKo wrote:That's probably one of the dumbest arguments i ve seen in a long time here. You are aware that are people who want to play alone in video games and not have any social interaction with anyone...2) This game wont survive without the ability to play Solo/Duo its consider a must 3)there is a tweet from Apex that solo/duo will be implemented
2) I assume you've done the necessary research into market potential to make such as baseless claim that the game will fail without solo/duos. Respawn have said that they wanted to break conventions of Battle Royale and all you want is to make into all of the others.
3) Where are these tweets? Someone else has already asked this and you haven't provided any evidence? I did my own research and found no evidence of any mention of solo or duo play.
If you don't want to play in a trio and don't have others to play with then don't play it. No game can be designed to suit everyone.
From the videos I have seen there is really no reason its 3 man teams only. Each of the legends work just fine on their own. I only know about 5 people that would even give a BR game a chance and 3 of them wont touch it until it has solo's . Not saying this is the normal percentage , I am sure there are well over a million people that are fine with teams of 3 . But if 3 out of 5 people plus myself wont play it without solo's I would imagine Repsawn is missing out on alot of potential customers by not adding such a simple and basic feature. Not very smart business wise.
2) So let me understand this, for someone to state an opinion or make an assumption based on all other BR' games he has to do a marketing research on what pleases the clients more...i see.
Next time i ll put a disclaimer lol.
*Respawn have said that they wanted to break conventions of Battle Royale* Respawn may want to built a rocket and send a TITAN to the moon for all i care in the end $$$ talks, people now jumped boats (CoD/Fortnite/PUBG etc ) because its something new OR you had the general feeling that people were waiting for Respawn to bring THAT BR that would change the gaming forever...
Its just a new BR with different mechanics and cartoon graphics just that. People need to take a chill pill be less hyped and discuss ideas.You can customize a game you cant customize people choices.
3) Im sorry from the 3m and 27s of scrolling down i couldn't find the tweet so dont take my word for it then,lol sorry i didnt take a screenshot at 4am in the morning i couldnt imagine that someone will ask for it...
*If you don't want to play in a trio and don't have others to play with then don't play it. No game can be designed to suit everyone.* So it must be design to suit you? So it will break your game if they have the OPTION to CHOOSE SOLO?
To state as an argument THAT HAVE FRIENDS or dont play...i don't know are you listening to yourself (not you personally but anyone that has that mentality)? Im glad that you have 5000 friends in FB and 1m followers on Instagram good for you but when you take a sh*t in the toilet do you stream it and send party invites bcz your so social...lol
I work in an airport and talk/exchange/meet hundreds of people everyday,when i come home i close my phone and i just dont want to interact with anyone...but of course that makes me antisocial...apart from gamers some of you are part time psychiatrist just in your spare time of course LOL
....sign in off too much interaction for tonight i go back to my antisocial cave
Teams of 3 **only** and high time to kill makes each battle a war of attrition where more numbers has a much larger impact on the game than individual skill.
The game is a straight up joke for solo players and just average at best for premade teams of 3. No real way for one player to carry randoms every game and try to herd them around with pings because they don't have mics. It's a joke. There's no quads either, and there are very good reasons why almost all professional game rules set team sizes to 4. Not 3
@ragnarokfps wrote:There's no quads either, and there are very good reasons why almost all professional game rules set team sizes to 4. Not 3
Such as?
And you are one of the dumbest persons I've seen in a long time. This game is a squad-based and teamplay oriented and you're asking for solo queue? Are you serious? If you want to play alone then don't play a team-oriented shooter. Are you also demanding a solo-mode in Battlefield or in Rainbow 6 Siege?
And now please add the tweet from Respawn that they will add a solo or duo based mode in this game.
Solo's would be nice but I don't think it's required - not sure what the point of duo's would be, surely just too similar to trio? is it really that bad to have a random guy on your team?
I like the idea of being able to 2man/solo in the squads game too - that would be my preference over a separate solo queue so that you don't split the playerbase.
Or maybe run solo's as regular seasonal events with additional coin/xp on offer
@firebird-gabr1eL wrote:And you are one of the dumbest persons I've seen in a long time. This game is a squad-based and teamplay oriented and you're asking for solo queue? Are you serious? If you want to play alone then don't play a team-oriented shooter. Are you also demanding a solo-mode in Battlefield or in Rainbow 6 Siege?
And now please add the tweet from Respawn that they will add a solo or duo based mode in this game.
I will say whatever I want, I'm not the only person who says that solo/duo is a must have feature. If you have another opinion, a single message was enough to understand. There is no need to be a toxic shitbag.
@firebird-gabr1eL wrote:And you are one of the dumbest persons I've seen in a long time. This game is a squad-based and teamplay oriented and you're asking for solo queue? Are you serious? If you want to play alone then don't play a team-oriented shooter. Are you also demanding a solo-mode in Battlefield or in Rainbow 6 Siege?
And now please add the tweet from Respawn that they will add a solo or duo based mode in this game.
You seem very triggered ... and pretty ignorant. I will comment on R6S . I dont play that game for this very reason , no I have never suggested that they should add solo's in it either. R6S isnt a BR game though Apex is a BR game where solo play mode is almost always an option. Battlefield , sure you get put into a squad but you can easily lone wolf it , and AGAIN its not a BR game Apex is . When firestorm comes out in march we will see if it has a solo play option. I personally dont care whether they add it or not just like R6S i just simply wont play it , I was just pointing out ( business wise) it seems like a dumb decision not to have a solo mode because they could be losing a big player base based on something that is very common in a BR game.
I play it all solo , duo , squad i don't believe what your saying is true for example look at Fortnite all game mode are successful and additional game modes would also be welcoming in Apex Legends ! Any addition to Apex Legends would only make the game more popular , we all should want that 😋
Here's an example of what its like playing Apex Legends as it is, without a premade group.
I just finished a game in which I placed 2nd. Both of my teammates had 0 kills and 278 damage between the two of them. I had 9 kills and 1,700 damage.
I was playing Wraith, dropped multiple portals, they took none of them. The final portal I dropped in the perfect spot to flank the last team who were camping on a roof. I had such good gear from getting 9 kills, I was able to down 2 of them before they could really react to me. I was out of ammo and was killed by the third player on the last enemy team left. When I go to spectate after I died, my two teammates were crouching a few feet from my portal's starting point.
As soon as a good game comes out and the initial discovery of this game wears off, I'll be gone from Apex Legends, along with many others because there is very little support for solo players and the only choice (squad of 3) coupled with a high time to kill and slow character movement speed, makes this game nearly unplayable as a solo. I can't flank very well because all characters move slowly (sprint speed is Blackout's walk speed), and I can't even imagine what its like for so called "noobs" who play solo like I do. It must really suck.
@ragnarokfps wrote:Here's an example of what its like playing Apex Legends as it is, without a premade group.
I just finished a game in which I placed 2nd. Both of my teammates had 0 kills and 278 damage between the two of them. I had 9 kills and 1,700 damage.
I was playing Wraith, dropped multiple portals, they took none of them. The final portal I dropped in the perfect spot to flank the last team who were camping on a roof. I had such good gear from getting 9 kills, I was able to down 2 of them before they could really react to me. I was out of ammo and was killed by the third player on the last enemy team left. When I go to spectate after I died, my two teammates were crouching a few feet from my portal's starting point.
What the hell is up with you? Did you ever try Counter Strike? Guess what, same story there. Team game. Don't have people to play with - move on.
Not to mention that your description heavily implies that you expect your teammates to be able to read your mind.
@ragnarokfps wrote:As soon as a good game comes out and the initial discovery of this game wears off, I'll be gone from Apex Legends, along with many others because there is very little support for solo players and the only choice (squad of 3) coupled with a high time to kill and slow character movement speed, makes this game nearly unplayable as a solo. I can't flank very well because all characters move slowly (sprint speed is Blackout's walk speed), and I can't even imagine what its like for so called "noobs" who play solo like I do. It must really suck.
Yes, Respawn must be terrified of your threats. All the players that can't play as a team will leave their team-based game, what a surprise. Why are you still here? Personally, I'm still waiting for you to tell me what are those "very good reasons why almost all professional game rules set team sizes to 4"?
Solos and duos would be great addition and in all honest I feel are desperately needed. I dislike playing with random fills if only me and one friend are playing. I like to have the flexibility of picking solo/duos/squads given who's on. I'm not interested in random players with no mics, trolls or someone whos mic sounds like they're standing behind an F-35 jet. Finding an actual decent 3rd fill is rare.
Didn't expect so many to be against solo while there is no reason against it since the game is very popular and will have plenty of players for both queues, I guess their logic works like this:
*You playing 3 man squad and enjoying it*
Me: "I'm ok with that"
*me requesting solo, while 3 man squad still available for anyone*
@Lazyyawn wrote:Didn't expect so many to be against solo while there is no reason against it since the game is very popular and will have plenty of players for both queues, I guess their logic works like this:
*You playing 3 man squad and enjoying it*
Me: "I'm ok with that"
*me requesting solo, while 3 man squad still available for anyone*
Where do you get these conclusions from? What is plenty? How do you know this? Plenty for what? By my observation, "plenty" is almost impossible in Battle Royale. Because even in EU, the most tightly populated region, I see a noticeable difference between peak and off hours where it takes way longer to find a game and you often get dropped into an incomplete squad if you're playing with randoms. That's right, even with this huge start of 25 million players in the first week, there isn't always "plenty" of people for even the basics, not to mention all the finer benefits of good matchmaking some of which I described before. The latter would never have more players than needed, the more players the better. Less players in the queue = worse experience. Period. Would you stop making this completely nonsensical argument that splitting the player base will somehow have no effect? In fact, there is plenty of evidence in BR history that due to sheer convenience of not having to find friends to play with, solo mode would suck not just some but the majority of players into it.
The more I think about the solo mode, the more unreasonable it seems. At first, I thought solo will probably need to be there, just not a priority. Now I actually don't think it should happen at all. And this time I was pleasantly surprised that even reddit seems to agree. The only two highly upvoted topics on the matter are the ones that argue against the solo mode. I find that reddit generally sucks at highlighting any well thought out viewpoints but does well at showing what is popular and proposals for solo mode are clearly not.
Your point is quite selfish. When you lack friends you like to play with you can go and get more of them. But instead you ask for the game to be modified in a way that will definitely hurt all the players that are enjoying it the way it is.
Please make a solo mode. I would play more as well as monetarily invest more if I could queue by myself. Being forced to play with random people who fight and scream racial slurs all the time really takes away from the experience. I like the game and how it plays a lot but being forced to deal with people I would never choose to play with because they don't know how to act keeps me from playing as much as I would like to. I would like to congratulate the devs on making something that at it's core is this cool.
Duos is silly. You can’t find just one more person to make a team?
solos, sure. If you don’t want to play with anyone at all