6 years ago
Start Banning Smurfs
SBMM is bad, but constantly running into smurfs and having bad teammates makes it so much worse, start banning smurfs and any accounts linked to the same device/ip of that smurf account, this won’t f...
@ZkepzThats how I figured it would happen, that they was playing a diff character than the first match so shows 0 kills
another thing that may happen, i watched zeus’s video a few weeks ago where it queued him with a brand new level 1 lifeline who didnt even know they had a healing drone so he kept telling them to heal throughout the whole match but they ran around with low health the whole game until he dropped them some syringes and they finally used those lol, maybe they queue level 1s with pros to get a easy win so they want to stay in the game and play more idk