Forum Discussion
Its not wrong but it is revolting Plus they said that the were taking it off the game so in a way we all helped fix the problem Good Job everyone!!
The Falcon Beta
I understand companies need to make money but the way they went about Iron Crown was wrong in my opinion. I'm actually more ruffled that Respawn had the gall to call me a freeloader on Reddit. Big oof in the PR department; hopefully you can make it up to the people who pay for mtx...
- 6 years ago
There are loads of companies making money out the f2p concept and i was always happy to pay for it for the generous act and the idea and the progress and hard work and whatever.
But to be disrespected like EA is doing with these outrageous prices is not something i wanna accept as normal.
Why should any gaming company make lower prices after this?
- 6 years ago@TTZ_Dipsy You make a good point but I question whether or not it was truly the developers having the gall to insult us or if it was just them reacting badly without consideration for how it'd be interpreted.
Don't get me wrong, I am in no way condoning the behaviour of the devs in response to the situation, but I can respect that they're human.
Who in the short space of what... 36 hours? Received thousands of insults, verbal abuse and even death threats, and on Reddit no less!
Pretty much 99% of that place is vulgar trolls throwing shade and discriminatory threats so it isn't at all surprising that this situation played out the way it did as with how they reacted.
At least let it be a lesson to the devs to be more mindful in the future.
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