Forum Discussion
@voltageblue8 schrieb:What a useless thread. You're complaining about cosmetics, that you chose to buy. These items have no effect on gameplay what so ever, nor do they give another player any type of advantage. Generation of wha wha wha, boo hoo hoo. The game is FREE you don't have to spend a dime to enjoy the actual game. It's your own choice to spend your money to look different. Get over yourself.
You willingly bought packs knowing it was a gamble then call it predatory monetization. Your logic is pretty far off.
Now, I'm off to enjoy the awesome game EA created. Ill be rocking my snake skin on octane that I got for free. Happy hunting legends.
Are you serious?!
Simple example:
You want to buy a car.
But you are told, that you can only buy the car in the next two weeks only and only if you take the whole package, biggest machine, biggest wheels etc even though, you wanted a smaller package.
After that period of 2 weeks, you will never ever be able to buy the car anymore.
But you want that car so much, that you are willed to spend extra cash, in order to get your dream model.
You buy it.
Three days later, the car sellers offers your car, the smaller version you wanted before, to everyone else, for a much smaller price.
You think this is fair? How would you feel?
It is just an example, to understand, why people are upset.
@JjumpingJjack the prices are absurd overall and people are raging all over it, its not the first or the last time they gonna pull this off what i have a problem with is that GAMERS are allowing this to happen. Price of computer that average gamer owns is around the value of god damn COLORED RED skins in this game.
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