5 years ago
The Spitfire needs a nerf
It's pretty embarrassing the fact that every low skill player rocks it... It's so stupid the fact that has 55 rounds. Its too broken. You can one clip a full squad and have a few bullets left. I thin...
The spitfire is what 19 damage a shot with like 55 bullets with purple mag or whatever and even more with rampart. I don't know how people don't see this being a huge problem. Large damage, loads of ammo, and a pretty okay fire rate. I think headshots are like 32 or something but I think to fix the spitfire to make it more of a balanced weapon is to reduce the body damage by 2 effecting head shot and leg damage as well and also having the ammo capacity reduced by at least 8 bullets. It's literally a overpowered weapon like I think I'm seeing more people with the spitfire than the mastiff. Sure isn't Mastiff Legends anymore but now Spitfire Legends.
@zombieshoota50000 its not even overpowered, I dont understand why people want to nerf everything into the ground on this damn game. We only have like 2 LMG's in the entire game and L-Star is trash so by nerfing the spotty you might as well take out LMG's.