5 years ago
The Spitfire needs a nerf
It's pretty embarrassing the fact that every low skill player rocks it... It's so stupid the fact that has 55 rounds. Its too broken. You can one clip a full squad and have a few bullets left. I thin...
This gun has been broken since day 1, but now it seems like every single player runs it. An extremely helpful nerf would be to reduce the mag size of each mag for the spitfire by 5-10 and reduce the damage from 20 down to like 16-17. This gun just hits way too hard and it is entirely too overused in high rankings I just hit diamond and all I run into are people with the spitfire spraying and crouch spamming at me until i'm dead because you can't get away from the guns mag capacity.
No matter what anyone says. The spitfire with the current bluffs to its damage and accuracy needs to toned down a bit or put in the care package with the mastiff and buff it back up to what it was before. This game was at it's best when first released when it came to fun and balanced gunplay.
@Blazed_Cajun wrote:No matter what anyone says. The spitfire with the current bluffs to its damage and accuracy needs to toned down a bit or put in the care package with the mastiff and buff it back up to what it was before. This game was at it's best when first released when it came to fun and balanced gunplay.
When exactly someone buff Spitfire accuracy ? From where the hell people are getting this stuffs? How exactly spitfire accuracy was changed?
People start complaining about every gun they are getting constantly killed. Spitfire was not used much, but since ir receive a +1damage buff, people are using it way more often, and people are getting deleted by it way more often, and thats why they come here and start complaining about.
Its that simple.
And Spitfire have many drawbacks.
If you don`t see them or don`t know how to play against Spitfire, then its on you.
While ADS-ng with Spity you are pretty much a tree. The fire rate is very very slow, its even slower than Alternator and L-star ....
It has one of the worst Iron sights in the game.
Recoil on hip-fire its kinda unpredictable, even if you know how to control it, some shots are just not going on the target.
There is plenty of play against Spitfire, you just need a bare average game knowledge for god sake.
Tired of people going straight at the open, get deleted by "x" weapon, and immediately start complaining to nerf the "x" weapon.
In a certain range, and in the wide open, you are supposedly to lose the gun fight against Spitfire, and other LMG like Devotion.
Flatline is super strong, should we nerf it too ? Cause this will be the next weapon on the list to complain about.
Previously was Volt and R99. Now they are not used that much(wasn`t people that were complaining about them, wanted exactly this, a diversity?), and people quickly jump on the next thing.
I always switch Spitfire for either Flatline or Wingman if i going to play a heavy weapon.
If you are constantly getting deleted by Spity, then there is obviously huge problem in your game. Firstly - your strafing form is bad, and secondly you don`t know how to position yourself and you are living yourself way too much in the open.
Improve on this, and Spitfire won`t be so much of a problem.