5 years ago
The Spitfire needs a nerf
It's pretty embarrassing the fact that every low skill player rocks it... It's so stupid the fact that has 55 rounds. Its too broken. You can one clip a full squad and have a few bullets left. I thin...
I disagree. I think it's in a good spot. The hipfire nerf made it a weak choice for close-quarter combat (and as we all know it mostly goes close quarters very quickly). ADS slows you to almost standstill and the rate of fire is low. It's just what an LMG does, it's a good mid-range weapon. Also, newer players have an easier time with it while it's not competitive enough for more experienced players. Honestly, I don't even see that many people use it, but I don't give much on anecdotal evidence (not even mine).
I personally prefer a flatline over spitfire any day because it's much better at close range with decent hipfire. I don't even understand why people suddenly complain about the spitfire. I can't even remember being killed by a spitty. I don't have a problem with it. If you get shot at by a spitty you should turn the battle to close quarters fast and watch them hipfire spray bullets to the next map. but if you stay at mid range, better hide or RIP