Forum Discussion
I like this break down of these weapons. It pretty much explains to a T, what the main issues are with these guns. I have been thinking on these two a lot as well, and honestly I don't really know how they can't already realize there is a balance issue. When basically every major twitch streamer for the game, and almost any player past level 50 uses nothing but, there clearly is an issue somewhere with balance.
I was thinking of exactly what we could do to fix these issues, and the main things that came to mind for me, were some pretty simple fixes. They might not fix the problem completely, but at least help them go in the right direction, I hope.
- Wingman
- Remove the extended mag attachment from the gun: All other pistols in the game, are given only 2 attachments. Let's not make the wingman so much better, in the fact that it can have 3. One of the main reasons it starts to jump up in damage output, is going from only 6 shots, to suddenly 9+ if they find an extended mag. Reloading is one of the major downfalls for almost all of the guns, but you effectively remove that downfall by finding a level 1 extended mag.
- Reduce the damage: Let's face it, the damage on this thing is just too high. 40+ damage from a single shot, a shot that has the accuracy of a sniper rifle, at almost all distances. Is just to much. Being able to down someone in purple armor in 4 shots (if 2 are headshots) is just to much. I don't think it even needs that big of a reduction, 10 points, maybe even just 5 points would be more then enough. Even more so if we include the first part.
- PeaceKeeper
I only have 1 change for this weapon, and it's actually a pretty basic concept that, at least to me, would drastically change its usage int he game.
- Change the ammo type, to Energy: To me, part of the biggest issue with this weapon, is simply how plentiful its ammo is. Shotgun ammo is simply not the most uncommon ammo, and honestly once you have about 1 box of the stuff, you're pretty much good for the rest of the game. So why does a gun, that shoots a giant energy blast, firing shotgun shells? If we changed the ammo type to energy, it would drastically change it's usage, because 1. Energy ammo is pretty uncommon, 2. It would be using more then just 1 shell at a time. Specifically what I mean, is that instead of having say, 6 shots per mag. It would instead have lets say 60, and each shot consumed 10 shells.
A side addition to peacekeepers, reduce their commonality. Make their rarity to mach that of other energy weapons, and not only would that keep the energy ammo down, but make the guns overall appearance in fights, match that of those same weapons.
I hope these sound like good tweaks, just thought I'd share and see if anyone agrees,
- 6 years ago
Peacekeeper and wingman are gg early game. They are flat out too strong and low skill cap, both of these weapons can completely kill a fully armored squad(literally all 3 of a squad) without reloading, without any attachments on, minus skullpiercer for wingman. Peacekeeper should require a perfect chest-hit with 1-2 pellets hitting the head to get 100, or more, damage. Wingman is spammable and one of it's main benifits is it's ammo efficiency. Reduce wingman rof and I think you will find it more fair in comparison with other weapons.
- 6 years ago
I've seen the rate of fire decrease on other suggestions, and I am inclined to agree, I still think some of my suggestions would work as well, perhaps coupled with the rof adjustment, but I am not sure if doing all of them would be fair to the gun, after all it still should be viable. As for the peacekeeper, I can't disagree here, I watched one of the Twitch streams I watch have a guy in his squad, rack up 13 kills in one run, without even stopping to catch his breath, and with no assistance from his teammates using it.
He literally ran through the map, charged every enemy squad they came across, and downed all 3 of them in 4 to 5 shots. Only reloading maybe once in the fights. That's personally rather ridiculous, but I am not sure how much of a damage drop it really needs, after all we still want it to be a strong capable weapon, but there just ins't any limitation on it other then it's slow fire rate, and small ammo capacity. I am not even sure how helpful my energy ammo suggestion would be, at least with it like that not every player by the end of the game has one, and those that do will be limited on their ammo supply.
- 6 years agoWingman need a magazine nerf. Having up to 12 shots, while also having among the fastest long reloads in the game (that's faster than most guns tactical reloads) makes a gun that's normally known to be unforgiving for poor aim, suddenly be one of the MOST forgiving.
Either remove the ability to equip extended mags to it completely, or nerf the mag size from 6/8/9/12 to 5/6/7/8. Possibly also nerfing the reload speed slightly. I'm fine with it hitting hard, but right now you can put down so much lead down range with it, so fast, that you can down entire squads without even having to reload.
Peacekeeper... I'm not sure how to fix, exactly. I think nerfing the damage by removing two pellets (so 9 pellets instead of 11, total damage becoming 90 without headshots) and making the spread pattern a 3x3 grid, as well as nerfing the mag cap to 5 would make it feel both less overpowered, and more consistent. I also think shotguns should have a slower draw speed, to make them less effective as a panic gun to rapidly switch to, maybe dropping ADS speed too, to something more similar to the ARs. Give the SMGs and pistols a bit of an extra edge over shotguns, you know? They're big, bulky weapons. Makes no sense they're as fast to whip out as a small, lightweight SMG, while having the same ADS speed too. There's lots of little things that can be done to tweak guns.
Also, Peacekeeper should probably use energy ammo instead of shotgun ammo.
- 6 years ago
Interesting. I would, however propose a different thing for the peacekeeper - perhaps reduce the effectiveness of the attachment that gives it higher RoF. In my experience, the main problem with it is that it kinda competes with eva in speed department if you fit it with stuff accordingly.
As for wingman, I don't know. I am torn about this because I am a quake player. I always go for low rof high alpha guns and there aren't many in this game, most of them are automatic weapons. But, eh, if it's so game breaking, then I'll let it go. I can go longbow/shotgun or something.
I wouldn't like for wingman to lose its identity (it might be the most satisfying weapon to use, regardless of the damage), so if we go for something, I'd go for damage reduction. For example, 39/80? This enables the gun to still have impact, but brings some interesting damage thresholds. For example, 39 body shot means that it takes 6 body shots to down a full kitted character. That's why I put 39, because lowering it from 45 as it is now, to anything higher than 39 means it still takes 5 body shots, so it kinda makes no difference.
Also, two headshots (at 80) and a bodyshot don't kill, they leave you with 1hp.
- 6 years ago
Yes on PC something needs to be done. But leave console alone. It takes skill to hit your shots on this platform. Figure out how to only patch it on PC because the console players that have gotten good with the guns are annoyed that the causal player got to get these guns nerfed.
a good player will hands down body a bad kid when he has the wingman.
A bad player will not be Able to ever squad wipe with a wingman period.... the gun takes skill.. skill that 80% of the players don’t have on this game
- 6 years agoIm not a causal (nor that bad) player and Id love to see those weapons really nerfed. Plus adding a little bit of sense and logic to the looting system, I get the point of hardly find all the high level weapon accessories but hardly find weapons? If you land in high tier looting zone you just dont expect to need to run all over it to find 30 P2020, 28 Mozambique, lots of accessories you just cant add to a weapon you dont have and, finally, 1 good killing machine for up to 6-9 players.....
- 6 years ago
Wingman extended msg logic.
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