6 months agoSeasoned Vanguard
"Wingman" turned into a "Wingboy" (which makes me sad)
The Wingman is (and has always been) my alltime favorite weapon in Apex since its mastering needs a lot of practice and skill.
Somehow in S21, Respawn suddenly decided to nerf it in several points - in a very extreme way:
a) Hipfire accuracy decreased
b) Digital Thread is not longer usable
c) No mags allowed
d) Skullpiercer removed from the game
Furthermore it is hardly part of the weapon-rotation in TDM, Lockdown or Control which makes it hard to play and level the gun.
Why those nerfs? If it was out of balancing-reasons (Wingman was too powerful), please explain how Akimbo-Mosambiques, Akimbo P2020 or the Mastiff fit into that picture?
However: I still use the Wingman but honestly - they must hate the weapon so much.