Forum Discussion
I honestly think wraith needs an entire overhaul..
1st the escape danger does take way to long to activate this should be almost instant as its an escape skill which means using it on low health which ultimately gets you killed waiting for it to work
2nd wraiths running is stupid she is not Naruto... if wraith is running towards you unaware of enemies it is all to easy to headshot because that's basically the only target you can see and with a +5% damage against her.
3rd what exactly is the point in a skill based shooter of having a passive that says she is harder to hit, how does that even work when adding the +5% damage against her? I mean if it was a turn based game with rng hit chance worked out by range and a shooter skill modifier sure wraith and lifeline next to each other and another character 20 feet away shooting at both, lifeline would be easier to hit by X% but in a real time fps where the aim is controlled by players and not rng this passive hard to hit thing is bs, players with bad aim are not missing because wraith is hard to hit but because they are not good at aiming, likewise players who can aim well will hit wraith regardless of the hard to hit passive.. if wraith was truly hard to hit she should receive less damage taken similar to gibby who is op to an absurd level... gibby with purple armour his arm shield and full health has 275 points of protection to deplete plus 15% damage reduction which puts him at around 315 damage before being knocked down that he can take but wraith who is apparently hard to hit takes extra damage and only has a 190 points before downed. obviously this is not exactly true because the health/shields are not being buffed/debuffed but weapons damage is but you get the point im making im sure..
Also, why should a difficult character to hit take less damage? They are hard to hit, so they shouldn't be buffed even further by taking less damage when they're actually hit.
You overestimate Gibby. He can tank damage, he is also a more stationary character. Just flank or use any other tactic than a head on 1v1 fight where you trade blows. Grenades, peeking, using abilities, there are tons of options. Gibby also has a huge hitbox, so running away isn't really an option for him.
True, good players will still hit Wraith, but it is more difficult.
How would a wraith be unaware of an enemy watching her? she literally has a passive that will warn her of this.
How is aim controlled by rng?
- 5 years ago
you seem to have misread what I was talking about in part.. I said "if" the game was a turn based game that used range and shooter skill rng chance to hit (think xcom style) it would be harder to hit wraith by X% over other characters.. but this is not that sort of game.
the fact is people with bad aim are going to miss wraith just because they are bad at aiming, and people with good aim will hit wraith regardless of the hard to hit passive. she might be smaller but anyone who is good at aiming wont notice this supposed passive hard to hit due to being able to compensate for size of character. in all honesty I don't think wraith or wattson or the other low profile characters are any harder to hit than mirage or bloodhound or the other mid sized characters and in fact I think bangalore is harder to hit than the low profilers due to the double time skill bangalore has. the only real time low profilers are harder to hit is if and when they take cover, being that tiny bit better at hiding behind a rock
you are right, I forgot that gibby arm shield was put back to 50.
wraith is only warned when somebody "aims" at her just looking in her direction is not aiming.
You hear a spectral voice audibly warn you if:
An enemy is aiming at you
An enemy with a sniper rifle is aiming at you
A grenade is thrown at you
There are traps nearby
There are many enemies nearby
Many people have died near youas for gibby he is by far the most op character ingame.. if wraith is hard to hit and takes 5% increased damage vs gibby who is easier to hit who takes 15% less damage (3 times more reduction than wraiths additional damage).. on top of this he gets an extra 50 shield points he also gets a dome shield to protect him and team aswell as increase the speed of healing and shield repairs and make revive faster. he can also call in bombardments and is not effected by slow down like other characters when shot. this not only makes him a tank but a good healer support and offensive character, there is no other legend who is so multi role able.
- 5 years ago@lordalmighty1 I do feel like Low Profile characters are hard to hit. Not necessarily because I can't hit them (I can, although I occasionally miss), but because I'll play them, I'll get shot at, but I won't get hit as much. Sometimes, if I move right, I won't get hit at all when running away.
In your other example, you said Wraith is at a disadvantage when running, and her animation made her an easy target. (That's what you meant, right?) Well, an enemy would have to aim at you first in order to shoot you. Unless you are somehow close enough for them to use hip-fire, but in that case a lot of characters would be boned.
Gibby isn't really an offensive legend. Well, maybe in some cases. If you have a good tank, they'll be good at fighting but lack mobility or something. Which is the case with Gibraltar, as he can tank really well, but he'd have to ads a lot, and he's at a slight disadvantage if you surprise him. He also has a little bit of support tacked onto his dome, which gives him some healer stuff.
He has some support stuff, but he isn't the best at support. Lifeline has more support options than him.
There are also a lot of other characters who can fill more than one role.
Caustic: Can revive in his gas, his gas can be good for offense and defense. He also has Fortified.
Bangalore: Revive in smoke, but also a big offensive legend with the smoke, artillery, and fast movement.
Revenant: can use his ult to do a lot of things, like revive, run away, or just attack enemy.
Wraith: Her portal is good for saving teammates, or escaping, or rushing, or a combination of all three.- 5 years ago@Sir_Named I understand where you are coming from, but lets face it for a moment. wraith portal while good for various movement actions isn't equal to a gibby dome shield. for example you cannot heal inside the portal and anyone can follow using it to finish off or escape from you.
caustics gas makes it hard for your own team to see through and fire at enemies and can be a hinderance as much as a help, they are also easily removed by shooting at the metal base.
bangalore smoke wont stop bullets and makes anyone reviving a team member inside still at risk. rolling thunder imo is not as good as the gibby bombardment its time delay and spacing of shells make it somewhat ok to avoid and although it has a larger area of shell placement it is rather predictable unlike gibby bombs which last abit longer and strike multiple times over the area of effect. (I mainly play bangalore and lifeline btw)
lifeline has good healing and revive but that's about it tbh, the care packages are ok and at times somewhat good but rather random, the healing bot is of course a good tool but gibby dome does everything for him that lifeline can do in terms of revive and heal speeds plus adds lifeline healing speed to team mates.
as for wraith run anim, its to easy imo to score headshots on her from the front because she is so leaned forwards its literally legs or head shots that will hit with hip fire from a medium range add the time taken to activate into the void which is at least half as long to long makes her somewhat easy to kill. headshots do so much damage that even 5% extra does make a difference to her, of course It is situational catching her coming towards you unaware.
I know rebalancing can be a tricky business but imo nerfs of the same character over and over are not the answer I would like to see buffs applied to characters that seem to be lacking in some way over nerfing characters. and I would also be more reluctant over nerfing based on complaints of community because a lot of complaints stem from angry people who lost a lot of games or feel they was cheated somehow when it could just be they are not good and fighting players who are alot better. take for example me for instance I have played around 4000 games since day1 I have been on winning teams about 50 times total I am a terrible shot its very rare I do 200 damage in a game and I have lost count to the amount of times I have been punched to death while trying to shoot an enemy lol... but I don't demand its because the character is op and needs a nerf I don't cry hacks or snap keyboards or punch holes in my monitor over it, however those kinds of reactions are quite common place in online gaming, the devs should take them with a pinch of salt. anyways sorry for the what now must be a wall of text have a good1
- 5 years ago@Sir_Named Yeah but if someone came with aim assist man we are playing on ps4 all of them aim assist they can hit us very easy man
- 5 years ago@Elamami3440 The aim assist doesn’t help that much. It just slows your reticle when it’s near a person. You can still easily miss.
Also it doesn’t help at all when at mid range or sniping.- 5 years ago@Sir_Named You talk about apex the aim assist is hella OP in apex
- 5 years ago
He meant if the games aim was based on rng then
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