Wraith tactical rework advice
First, the previous wraith tactical rework was on the right direction and it successfully took away wraith's free out of jail card, which players were complaining about. However, with the recent wraith hitbox nerf, some new balance issues pop up:
1 ) The slow effect when wraith is casting her tactical makes her too vulnerable combined with her new bigger hitbox:
In a fast paced game like Apex, movement speed contributes a lot. We all understand how valuable a legend with a movement/positioning abillity is to a team. Although the slow effect can be canceled by slide jump (B-hop), it relies heavily on the terrain and can make this move extremely inconsistent:
i ) When doing the slide jump cancellation on a flat surface/downhill, it works most of the time and make the slow effect on casting pointless;
ii ) When doing the cancellation uphill, it usually doesn't work and make the character jumping in the same place, which looks really dumb. Besides, all the movements performed by the player are wasted and the handling is extremely awkward.
What I'm trying to say is, why not make wraith move at normal speed (just like what was done to Loba) when she cast her tactical, while lower/remove her speed bonus when she is in the void? The 1.5 second casting time combined with her new larger hitbox are sufficient to take her out of jail card away already. There is really no need at this point to decrease her movement speed.