4 years ago
Will we see an upgrade to the next gen experience next season? I play Apex on PS5 and it runs great, but I feel like more could be done to fully utilize the consoles capabilities. I understand this i...
That statement defeats the purpose of 120+ frames per second. If you want 120 FPS, you shouldn't also want pretty graphics. Generally wanting 120 frames per second means you're actively wanting a reduced input latency environment.
It's like this video below
Two things I would be depending on from developers for a true next generation update.
- Removing all aim assist!
- Adding graphical menus like PC on console.
Season 2 i made it to pred on 60 fps. Its over rated. =D
A season 2 pred is nothing special lmao, y’all aren’t better than most diamond players now😂
I think you read my post wrong.
"Two things I would be depending on from developers for a true next generation update.
- Removing all aim assist from consoles.
- Adding graphical menus like PC on console."
You're right I need to update that. It should say remove all aim assist! Thanks.
they will never remove aim assist why would you want that? you need aim assist on console or its practcally impossible to play
@Popa2caps wrote:
I think you read my post wrong.
"Two things I would be depending on from developers for a true next generation update.- Removing all aim assist from consoles.
- Adding graphical menus like PC on console."
You're right I need to update that. It should say remove all aim assist! Thanks.
Why would they remove aim assist on controller? That mean they should add max turn speed on mnk too? It makes no sense, if you cant compete with the controller boys practice, and try learn to keep out of their advantage zone....