Forum Discussion
@DoYaSeeMe True, but when you're spectating somebody and they're moving like a potato, eating stupid amounts of damage yet have perfect weapon control it is a little sus lol.
Obviously it's not a clear indicator but it's naturally gonna raise an eyebrow.
- 4 years ago
@DoYaSeeMe Ah there's undoubtedly discrepancies between real-time play and what we're seeing via spectate, so the line does get blurred sometimes.
We've been playing long enough at this point to spot the difference though I should think, at least for the most part anyway.
- 4 years ago@MandatoryIDtag Well, all these differences we spot are based on the server reality. This means 20Hz update rates, the rest being interpolation (movement of the player is pretty smoothed out), lag compensation being applied (projectiles going near targets but still hitting them), player delay being factored in, etc.. Just think about the fact that probably no player does get shot behind cover in spectator mode.
- 4 years ago
@DoYaSeeMe I'm not claiming that everyone I suspect is instantly a cheater, I generally won't report at all unless I can say with full certainty that somebody is manipulating the game in some I mean there isn't much point in us debating the ifs and buts lol.
The point is you can tell the difference if you know what you're looking at, the report function would be pointless otherwise no?
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