Is there a better way to report players for cheating on this game other than to report them? Reporting them does absolutely nothing because I will see those same players in subsequent games afterward. I have a full video of a guy rolling through a Trios match, wiping 6 squads by himself and dealing well over 5K damage. When I was spectating him, every time he came across a squad, they acted like they couldn't see him until he started shooting them or was healing up. I understand that they can just make another account but the security on this game needs to get better. Make people use their social security numbers or something so they cannot create more than one account. That would help with getting rid of cheaters. I have seen <removed> as champion many, many times already and nothing seems to have been done yet. This has been over several months. I have a full video of this dude cheating and would like something done about it because it ruins the fun for everyone else playing the game.
EA / Respawn, you guys as corporations really need to do better with your anti-cheat system because it does not work. Why can COD make players stick in place and not move if they use cheats but you guys seem to not be able to find a way to get rid of them? I am sure you are aware that most of your Preds use cheats but do nothing about it.
[CM - Edited to remove player name - If you see a suspected cheater, please report them by using the appropriate tools. We can't take any action against such accounts on Answers HQ, and such posts can lead to harassment.]