Forum Discussion
I'm a Euro player. Mixtape is like cheat heaven now. Low TTK makes it: or campy or very agressive. No fun anymore, and i got tired of BR in S24 and kinda enjoyed mixtape more then other seasons. When team balance is off, mixtape matches end way too fast now, when it felt just right in S23.
The new weapon meta is ridiculous. RE45 vs revved up devo? RE wins most times, sigh. Give the devo its recoil and kick back, it used to be a skill reward gun if you controlled the heavy kickback recoil. RE45 can even match a R99 now.
It's more like a COD clone now. Many laser guns with few recoil. Lower TTK. See first shoot first, is mostly a win.
The constant changing of core gameplay because devs are too lazy or understaffed? to add REAL new content or modes is getting very old and annoying. Definitely some kind of graveyard maintenance team now on apex. Shuffle some weapon variables each season and done.
Even 12pl mixtape matches are not filling up now during peak hours at night. Past 10pm cues take longer and longer. And central Europe has like 7 servers. Maybe its the player spread here, dunnow. Indeed more and more Russians here, some of em cool, some cheats. Mixtape gets no love. Not even a mixtape map out of BR District. Thunderdome was a great addition for ex. Fun in all mixtape modes.
Trios revival or redemption is weekends only casue of the longer cues. And Trios redemption is simply Trios revival from S22-23 with added respawn tokens. Another easy change in a wimp, but same older mode otherwise.
A Sad 6th birthday it was. 3500 hours and playing since S1. Time to move on i geuss. I'm not gonna play apex 2.0 very long if it's the same remix of stuff we've had 20 times before with some fancy DX12 effects. Respawn better not screw up BF6 then.
They made a great BR game, not the best netcode or server infrastructure, but it was fun to play. Lots of things done good in Apex. Good characters, kinda balanced ults , good basic weapon play and movement. A truly fun FPS BR game.
Sadly it went down fast after S20. Trying to counter player reduction i geuss.But when its no fun anymore and gets boring or stale, people simply stop playing and move on. And you get a larger player base of die hard vets and cheats.
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