How come that...
...People almost always jump into busy areas? (and die, obviously)
...(my) People never stick together? (and die, obviously)
...My bullets pretty much always miss despite my crosshair being flextaped onto the enemy? (and I die, obviously)
...That I always get legendaries for things I will never use? (And die... no... wait...)
...That my body seems to be made out of Styrofoam and apparently takes x100 the damage?
Okay. Great game, I love it. I haven't had this much fun in a very long time now, and I'm glad I can escape some of the real world's problems thanks to Apex Legends together with my friends. But seriously, some parts get easily frustrating by now that I've gotten more into it. Namely those above. I mean I get that I'm not nearly as skilled as other players. Been playing for too little for that. But if my crosshair is fixed into the target and no bullet hits, it just feels... off? But the other way around, I probably have a nyodium super magnet of doom on me and I soak up every bullet in a 5 meter proximity.
And in the times when my friends aren't around, I obviously have to play with randoms. Problem is, most of them spread out, jump into busy areas, don't heal despite the time given, and ultimately die despite having enough time for everything.
Well, in the end, all I wanted to do is ask... How to git gud?