5 years ago
I only post when i see a huge occurrence of something.....NERF AIM ASSIST .... from Xim Apex to REWASD and then JUST Console in general is basically soft aimbot mid to CqC... certain settings give yo...
The word you're looking for is REMOVE not nerf. There shouldn't be any online PvP game where the system or a program basically aims for you. If you play on controller then you should be put only in controller lobbys. If you play with a PC friend then you need to accept the fact that m/k is better then a controller in fps games and not ask for aim assist in order to compete against m/k players. Aim assist should only be allowed in single player games.
i agree there are countless low level guys in my lobbies i cant even opt out of that are just abusing the strength of the aim assist... its one thing when there is blatant cheaters its another when they are giving shitters this kind of strength ... i barely see anyone THAT IS ON PC use M&KB there all controller players Exploiting LMFAO! .... and then with XIM or anything like it REWASD the 3 time scopes the linear settings the ill just stand here and as an enemy gets in my CQC the game will aim at him for me... i feel like they should have some sort of get..OK IM close to the target or I actually ads on it to get any type of help. there videos on youtube showing players standing there shooting into smoke still trained on targets behind walls in gas etc.. if we cant see them why is the auto aim still aimat them in gas and smoke? .. ill gladly trade the loot and straff and stand still to loot a box instead of getting dumpstered on in every lobby from the same controller exploit.
i have helped a couple hundred thousand people fix this game Since sesaon 1 DAY 1 so they can run it better on there computers... and in the end for what.... this? it took you forever to get a handle on the real hackers now in sesaon 7 we have cross play with this....
its purely aimbotting and exploiting simple as that. the fact these DEV's have put it in the game like this along side of there fantastic SBMM shows they want the casual player to feel strong. then after you win a game or 2 you THEY put in to a pred lobby from the SBMM to get dismissed just as fast as you landed.. the DEV's them selves are exploiting even the casual player to the hard core guys that run this every day. if you wina few you will get a crazy lobby and then you get those lobbies with these preds well aware of this exploit and then your fighting a pred with this on top of it LMFAO!!! GG... and it may as well be everyone using chams and aimlocks and well run around corners and heal who ever gets that first shot will win and there will be no more skill involved in the game!
Ok kiddos, gather round. Just because your chosen input method is crap does not mean they have to nerf others to keep up with the crappiness of yours. The fix is to remove aim assist. If you are good with controller, nobody can take that away from you. If you are crap with both input methods and crutch on the aim assist, well then I guess you come in here and whine when we call foul.
Put it like this, I want to play multiplayer shooters with a super scope 6. Should Respawn, Activision and the like be responsible for making my chosen crap input method competitive!? Of course not! This would inevitably leave me with either a crap experience (which it should), or I will be OP because of the "help".
Aim assist is crap and has no place in competitive shooters.