Now that Thicc Bois are playable, here's the next to buff
Gibby and Caustic are and good places right now. However, I do feel Caustic should get an extra 5% to Fortified because he doesn't have that blueberry shield to soak up damage. That being said! Here's the next Legends that are in need of some help and some suggestions on how to do it.
Most Love needed: Mirage
Let's be honest about 1% of the players fall for his decoy. Fact: I've Bamboozled myself more than I've been tricked by an enemy Mirage.
Solution Without Making OP: Give him the ability to send out 2 decoys or like Caustic give him a 3 Max right off the bat and put a refresh timer on them so he could store decoys.
A Sprinkle of love needed: Bangalore
Still pretty well rounded, but with her movement nerfs and buffs to other characters, she is becoming a thing of the past.
Solution: Restore her original passive run speed. This wouldn't break her, especially compared to Octane and PF's mobility at will.
Last but not least: Crypto
He's good if you're teammates are pros
Solution: Extended the range his drone can travel and increase its detection range
GAME CHANGER TO MAKE HIM 100% Playable: Allow the drone to to turn in banners at the Respawn beacon. Not just pick them up.
BAM! Who's want to main Crypto now!?
but seriously all the buffs above wouldn't break the game or create an unfair meta. It would give more players a chance to play with a playstyle of their liking.