Forum Discussion

DankToliet's avatar
Seasoned Ace
6 years ago

Now that Thicc Bois are playable, here's the next to buff

Gibby and Caustic are and good places right now. However, I do feel Caustic should get an extra 5% to Fortified because he doesn't have that blueberry shield to soak up damage. That being said! Here's the next Legends that are in need of some help and some suggestions on how to do it.

Most Love needed: Mirage

Let's be honest about 1% of the players fall for his decoy. Fact: I've Bamboozled myself more than I've been tricked by an enemy Mirage.

Solution Without Making OP: Give him the ability to send out 2 decoys or like Caustic give him a 3 Max right off the bat and put a refresh timer on them so he could store decoys.


A Sprinkle of love needed: Bangalore

Still pretty well rounded, but with her movement nerfs and buffs to other characters, she is becoming a thing of the past.

Solution: Restore her original passive run speed. This wouldn't break her, especially compared to Octane and PF's mobility at will.


Last but not least: Crypto

He's good if you're teammates are pros

Solution: Extended the range his drone can travel and increase its detection range

GAME CHANGER TO MAKE HIM 100% Playable: Allow the drone to to turn in banners at the Respawn beacon. Not just pick them up.

BAM! Who's want to main Crypto now!?

but seriously all the buffs above wouldn't break the game or create an unfair meta. It would give more players a chance to play with a playstyle of their liking.

8 Replies

  • Wattsons fences should be buffed to take 3-4 shots. To make up for the low profile and one less pylon placement.

  • @DankToliet Mirage getting two decoys still won’t make him useable, no one uses him because he’s not a team player he has nothing in his locker to help out his team mates..
  • I main Crypto the only buff I would like to see is drone pinging ability.

    If I open a supply bin it would be nice to ping the items in the bin or ping items laying around.

    As far as rezzing with the drone, no. It is already heavy common practice in randoms to rez and run away as it is. Now you want someone with the ability to rez from 200m away? No thanks for me anyways.

    I agree caustic should get a buff to put him on keel with Gibby. 

    On the same note his gun shield should get nerfed back that it doesn't regenerate unless he has used shield cells to replenish his normal shields.

    Prolonged gun fights of any kind with Gibby suck halfway through and there is his fricking gun shield again.

  • Mirage having 2 decoys just means nobody will be fooled twice.

    His passive encore should drop a decoy with invis and prevent death and put Mirage at 10 health, stealth from the knockdown should last longer so you can actually crawl away to some place. And people should not be able to use a finisher on him while stealthed.

    As for his decoys, they just need to have equipped weapons on the model, and drawn when they run, and make the decoy slide, and vault over obatacles so they look less like a dummy, and more like actual mirage.

  • I feel Caustic is in a good spot, every time I pick him, I do much better than when I choose someone like Lifeline or Gib. Being able to throw out a canister and setting it off to use as cover is much better than having a shield that breaks after a few shots. He's also best for setting up ambushes rather than trying to only use him in head 2 head fights where you have to be smart if you want to use his gas against the enemy. 

    My boi Mirage also feels good. He can be a team player if the enemy falls for his decoy and in order to make them fall for it, you gotta use his decoy in a way that seems believable. I always throw him out at supply crates, deathboxes, or Respawn beacons and 90% of the time the enemy hits the decoy and my team now knows where the enemy is hiding. I do believe the passive needs a greater buff, something around having his cloak last waaay longer or until his knock down health reaches 75% than the cloak disappears. OR even having the ability to throw down a decoy again that is knocked down and could crawl. 

    Finally Crypto, his range is massive and his ability to pick up banners is life saving. Which is why I believe it should stay at that and just add the ability to allow the drone to mark items or pick up 1 item that is not in a deathbox. Increasing drone range or marking range would be a bit too much considering you could leave the drone hovering up high in the sky and have it mark enemies who would have trouble shooting it down, giving Crypto another unintentional buff.

  • DankToliet's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    6 years ago
    @SethCurry "but this is a team based game! if you want Solos go play something else"

    then they make Mirage
  • I agree that mirage needs a buff, I find his ultimate useless, I rarely find a a situation where I can use it, I only find it useful when I need to move from cover to cover at open space.

    it's easy to counter in close range as you can still hear his foot steps, I kill few mirages that tried to sneak up on me that way.

    if their is a buff to cause, is increase the inflating time to the canisters or increase the trigger radius of it.

    Bangalore maybe needs something new.

    Crypto never tried him yet.

    @ColdHoursI agree with Wattson buff, sturdier nodes would be useful, or what I would like, larger radius for the interception pylon and faster shield regeneration 10 shile per second instead of 5

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