4 years ago
tap strafe macro?
So as Apex will be removing tap strafing by un allowing you to bind W to scroll wheel on M+K I was curious as to why using a macro to press W a few times would work. It will as will just spamming W w...
@Bigtwotime2xNo, they also nerfed the sharp turns above 90 degrees
And I wonder what the PC community has come to. Openly asking to allow macros, that is literally cheating. Spam your buttons on your own!!
@LaughingSharko they didn't take the time to figure out scroll wheel shooting or looting or even jitter aiming.
@BaldWraithSimp wrote:@Bigtwotime2xNo, they also nerfed the sharp turns above 90 degrees
And I wonder what the PC community has come to. Openly asking to allow macros, that is literally cheating. Spam your buttons on your own!!
@LaughingSharko they didn't take the time to figure out scroll wheel shooting or looting or even jitter aiming.
@BaldWraithSimp Don't forget "AiM aSsIsT nEeDs To Be BaNnEd". Because, it's not like PC players have any advantages already. Nope, none.