Legendary item properties:
Helmet - Tactical and ultimate abilities regenerate faster
Armor - Replenishes shields when you use a finisher
Backpack - Health and shield consumables take half as long to use
Knockdown shield - Revive yourself once per game when you are knocked down
Digital thread(scopes) - Highlights enemies in red when you're aiming at them
Gibraltar's tactical will protect you from your own ultimate if timed right if you wanna use it up-close
As long as someone gets the banner of a downed teammate either player can bring him back.
Prioritize shields over health when in combat, shield recharge rate is faster.
You can still hear Mirage when he's cloaked.
Wraith is vulnerable while using dimensional rift on it's own.
Silhouettes you see while using Into the void are all fake, you cannot see enemies.
There are lootboxes on the map that look like apex packs, which will drop loot when damage is dealt to them, they make a distinctive sound
Check enemy death lootboxes before recharging shields, picking up same or higher rarity armor from them will completely replenish your shields without having to use items