6 years ago
Vault Peacekeeper
This should be the first and only gun removed from the game. No skill insta kill trash. I don't understand why every fps game has this stupid obsession with making the easiest guns the strongest. I...
I don't know about you but the only time I've gotten an "instakill" with the peacekeeper is when the enemy had no shields and a was low on health, every other time, even at close range it's taken minimum 2 shots to down them. I know 2 shots seems OP to alot of people as well but it's a shotgun, weapons that are designed to obliterate anything within thier path close quarters. If it was two shots at AR range then yeah but it's not.
But still, if you think shotguns shouldn't be deadly at longer ranges well..
Shotguns still effective killrange at 40 feet.
@ThatFawkzi Yes, real life shotguns are deadly. But so is a 9mm shot to the head in real life. But this is a game and it is made explicitly with a higher time to kill so you need like 10 headshots with a 9 mm to kill someone but still only 2 shots to kill someone in full armor with Peacekeeper with a range that is better than most ARs in the game.
@ricm0nkey That shouldn't be possible. It's not supposed to do that much damage in one shot even with a full headshot. But then again, the damage numbers are a bit whack sometimes. Like there's nothing that reduces bodyshot damage as far as I'm aware, but sometimes my Wingman does only 41 damage instead of 45 on bodyshots? Or do some addons reduce damage?
Same old story. A weapon that's too powerful in a shooter game. Yes, the peacekeeper is powerful but there are so many counters to it in this game if you play smart. The game gives us abilities where we can cloak, shield cover, smoke cover and so on. As soon as i hear the weapon in a fight i distance myself and pick them off no problem with a decent AR. It's that easy. Yes, there are times when you can't get away and you have to fight it out. Which often it doesn't play it out the way you would like it to. But that's a shotgun for you, it's devastating at close range. Sure, it can shoot crazy damage at long range too, but you need the hop-up attachment for it. Still even having the attachment you need to ADS charge the weapon which it glows and makes crazy sound! You can see and hear it coming a mile away. People just need to calm down and adopt to the game and stop stressing about nerfs and vaulting weapons.
@Madd_Brando The enemy can use the same tactics to close the gap with you again. And if you see pretty much everyone using one specific weapon, there's something the devs should look into, even if there is possible ways of countering it. Those possible counters clearly aren't effective enough for everyone to still use it if they want to win.
I mean the effective killing distance of a g7 scout ( Springfield m1a) is about 1000m...so what's your point? If we allow a shotty to do 100+ dmg why does a scout do 30? How come a scout doesn't kill in 2 shots?