will buying heirloom shards from the anniversary event reset my natural chances?
I am wondering if will heirloom shards from the anniversary event reset my natural chances because i feel i am really close to getting one naturally, and I am about to get shards from the event, but that leave the question will getting the shards reset my chances? I know that from past events such as mirage's heirloom it should not reset, but I feel this is a different situation because its shards rather than an outright heirloom. Lets say I have opened 300 pack meaning i have a 1/200 chance of getting one, and if I were to buy shards from the event would it stay at 1/200 or reset back down to 0/500? I really would like to know before I get the shards.
It is fixed guys, you can get your heirloom in game right now.
DYSPROssium edit: added dev response on twitter image