Permanent Freeze/Crash In Arenas/Firing Range
Ill be straight to the point. Im so sick of crashing/freezing every arena and firing range game. So what happens is i play arena lets say and i play around 4 rounds before me game freezes. and i cant hear i can just see that frame for ages. and when i have to use my task manager to quit the software not only do i have a error code:Leaf i have a 10 minute penalty. Firing range doesnt have the penalty of course but my friends dont have this problem and i do. It gets real fustrating and annoying. please help me if you can, I am on PC too by the way.
Hey, @nxtasx can you try a clean boot to see if any programs are messing with APEX and turn off any overlay programs, such as Discord or Nvidia experience.
Can you add a Dxdiag so we can see what hardware and drivers you have?
Let me know if this works or not for you. 🙂