Most of the bugs were already addressed by many people but this is so bad so i say again, EA hire testers, why the hell are you making gamemode without even testing.
BUGS in new mode:
some people get stuck in "you need to complete orientation matches" state so the games that they were playing still counted to ranked season even tho everyone else ranks got frozen their ranks still after 3 aug kept growing you can see that on apexstatus or other site that track ranked points, and also because these people got stuck they played only against rookie rank players so they can rank up but dont lose any points, so if you got pred or something and you lost it after ranked rumble started its because this bug that shifted 25% of players +10k points ahead if not more. ( screenshot 1 attached of such growth (numbers at bottom is days august numbers on the left is points) i will not say who is that cause this guy will kill me if he knew)
some people ranks have changed places like mine did, they swapped in rumble and normal ranked and now they are getting rookie rank in the season, some have this bug fully(even in profile they are rookie) or halfway(only in gamemode selection) (screenshot 2 attached)
ranked rumble is in itself bugged for some people and they get bugged when finish 10 calibration matches, didnt get this myself cause hate this mode and even cant play it with friend (
some accounts with these bugs cant play with friends, for example i have second bug and my friend got first bug, we cant start game together in any way, game just thinks that we in seperate modes, even tho we just wanted to play and farm level.
leaderboard full of cheaters, and bug users, and bot farmers (screenshot 3)
their damage = kills ratio is insane like 1/2(1 damage 2 kills) some of them even had bot or farm or cheats in nickname, and because leaderboard is cool you can check their profiles ( like this guy on 3 place ) where we can see that.... ohh they have 20-50 level and they just created an account, great work EA and Respawn.