@Seijam1523 Connecting to EA servers can be a long and tedious and downright painful process, please try these steps: clearing your cache, restarting your router, check for updates, power cycle your game system, try changing your dns settings to someone trusted like google, change your ea password if it has been awhile, run a few speed tests to see if you get similar results each time (if not it could be an internet issue), deleting and reinstalling the game. If none of that works try switching to a mobile hotspot or just a different internet connection and see if it will load on their, then try switching back to your normal internet connection. If none of this works I recommend you contact ea support advisor just to say you tried before refunding. Also I am not entirely sure how playstation works but you may need to set your Ps5 as your main system, I could not play on Series X when the game first came out until I did this.