5 months agoRising Newcomer
Bug: Lucanis quest 'Murder of Crows' not appearing in quest log after accepting
Happens only if I complete 'Blood of Arlathan' main quest.
- Have Lucanis' '!' talk available (the one that will start Murder of Crows) before going to BoA main quest. Do not trigger his talk and leave it available.
- Complete BoA
- Talk to Solas as part of the main quest.
- Lucanis will still have '!' for quest. Talk to him to start 'Murder of Crows'
- The quest will not appear in the quest log.
- Even weirder, any save I reload that was after BoA but definitely should still have Lucanis' '!' still available....suddenly it wasn't there anymore, as if it never existed. Or, if I reloaded to the Temporary Choice Auto save, then I COULD still talk to him, but the same issue would happen where the quest just doesn't appear in my log.
Thankfully, I was able to reload to before BoA and accept the quest properly and have it in my journal. It means I have to redo BoA (and hope it's still there after it), but at least it's there.
Wanted to share in case it helps!