EA App - My friends don't appear as 'Online'
Since I couldn't reply to my old post because it was locked, I might as well post it here with my fellow troubled users.
- EA App Error ID:
- Game: EA App
- Your Platform and Gen and your friends: PC/Steam/EA
- Are EA App Privacy settings set to public for all? (Y/N):Y
- If importing friends, are the Privacy settings on PC/Console profiles set to public? (Y/N):Y
- Have you blocked one another before? N
- Is cross-play turned on, if applicable? Y
- Screenshot(s)? (Y/N):Y
- Additional information:
When I open the EA app, every game is working just fine, but for my friend list, I cannot see my friends being online even if they are indeed online. It appears that they couldn't see me online as well.
For the new friends I add on the account through EA or in-game invite, I can see them as online before I shutdown my PC, and after I boost my PC later on, I can never see them as online again. This problem only appear on one of my PC (the one I am using currently). Therefore, I can't see most of my friend except maybe one? I am not sure how I can see him sometimes but I am sure I added him while using my last PC.
I am trying to play with my friends on Apex (them on Steam), and I was able to play with them for a couple months, and then this problem occur and I can't really play with them anymore. I know I can probably get around of this by playing Apex on Steam as well, but I would wanna keep the progression on this account before moving on.
For additional information, I have been banned before this happened because someone hacked my account and using hacks in Apex but I got my account back.
Thank you for paying attention to this problem and hope that it can be resolved <3
(CM: edited to update thread title after split because it's not related to the other issue.)