Forum Discussion

codebluetm's avatar
5 years ago

EA Desktop Background Services not disabled using toggle in Application Settings

Product: EA Desktop
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) 74945649-7c92-4979-acbb-5865da3f219c
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Other (Please Describe)
Please describe EA Desktop Background Services not disabling using the setting in Application Settings
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 13.10.20 12:34 (Today)
Summarize your bug In EA Desktop Application Settings, the toggle for Background Services shows as if it is turned off, but when looking in Windows Services Management Console, the EABackgroundService remains enabled and running.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go to EA Desktop Application Settings, then toggle off the setting for Background Services. After that, open Services Management Console in windows and look for EABackgroundService and see service status (running) and startup type (automatic).
What happens when the bug occurs? Background Services for EA Desktop remains enabled and running in spite of turning it off in Application Settings.
What do you expect to see? The service should be stopped and/or disabled when it is turned off in EA Desktop Application Settings.

In EA Desktop Application Settings, the toggle for Background Services shows as turned off, but when looking in Windows Services Management Console, the service EABackgroundService remains enabled and running.

Go to EA Desktop Application Settings, then toggle off the setting for Background Services. After that, open Services Management Console in windows and look for EABackgroundService and see service status (running) and startup type (automatic).

Background Services for EA Desktop remains enabled and running in spite of turning it off in Application Settings.

The service should be stopped and/or disabled when it is turned off in EA Desktop Application Settings.

  • I found it. its connected to a windows service:

    Windows key --> type in services --> click on the services app new windows opens --> click in it --> type "e" to navigate to the "EABackgroundService" --> right click --> properties --> change start type to "manually"

47 Replies

  • Reinstalled the beta today to see if they by chance fixed it recently. The background process still remains after closing the application so I immediately uninstalled once again. At this point I'm very doubtful they are ever going to get rid of the background process when EA Desktop isn't running. Wouldn't even bother me if it wasn't a root cause of my PC crashing at one point, not willing to test to see if it doesn't happen anymore. There's no reason for a background process to remain when you've selected in the options to not have background services running when you don't have it open.

  • Shepherd_6061's avatar
    4 years ago
    @dr_meow-meow69 Can only say the same... The Background service still starts on its own without launching any EA-associated apps - I have 0 start-up applications.
  • mostlydave's avatar
    3 years ago

    I just uninstalled it as well, I don't need to play any game bad enough to let a background service run for no reason with no option of disabling it

  • I found it. its connected to a windows service:

    Windows key --> type in services --> click on the services app new windows opens --> click in it --> type "e" to navigate to the "EABackgroundService" --> right click --> properties --> change start type to "manually"

  • cristhianfs's avatar
    3 years ago

    it still remains when you close the application, the only thing this does is to not make it run when turning on the pc, but if you open the app and then close it, the service remains active in the background. Until they change this behavior I won't use this app.

  • i hate when companies do this, i found a quick dirty fix, if you see EA background service running in task manger, right click and select open file location, then delete the EABackgroundService application, i would make a back up of the file before deleting it, EA desktop will no longer open or run EAbackground service and if you want to use EA desktop just stick the file back in and everything goes back to the way it was.

    i am not very techy so this is all i got.

  • cofmann's avatar
    Icon for DICE Team rankDICE Team
    3 years ago
    This is on the older side of time, I'm closing this thread to stop it from being necroed.

    If you have any issues with EA App, please make a new topic about your problems and what kind of steps you have tried to solve them.


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