EA Play/Ultimate Game Pass
FFS EA, its been hours and you've been so hush about the problems PC players are having with your EA app/Account. Not a single word on whats up with the Ultimate game pass accounts and EA play. Do we not pay $20 a month? Do we not deserve a reasonable answer in a reasonable time (its been HOURS)? How hard is it to post, "oh we have an issue... Blah blah".
EA, what kind of compensation can us PC players look expect? I mean you expect us to sit here with no answers for hours on end, and you still expect to get that $20 a month (or we cant play!). So what do we get from your screw up?...
Marked as the solution purely for visibility purposes
______________________________________Hi folks,
Thanks for flagging this. As erincburak shared, we’ve been looking into the Game Pass Error. We've popped an update into the main thread on it earlier today and will share any other available updates into that thread. You can find it here:
I'll lock this duplicate thread in the meantime to help keep communications together on this.
- EA_Lanna