Every EA ID is prohibited
I am trying to set up an EA account for my sister and have come across an issue where any id that I try to use is labeled as prohibited. Specifically, the error is: "EA ID contains a prohibited word or character." I have tried everything from simple words like "happy", "normal", and "bunny" to complete gibberish and nothing works. In fact, I have even tried my own current username and it is still labeled as prohibited. Not even "this username is already taken" or anything, it just says it's prohibited. Other posts on this topic have led to advice to simply choose another username, but literally nothing works. I have seen some people say that you have to wait a few days to change your username again. But I am trying to create a new account so that doesn't apply. Clearly, either I am doing something wrong, or something with the app is broken. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Try using no special or accented characters at all.
If required, click the following link to contact an Advisor: https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/
For help with contacting an Advisor, please see this link: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/faq/contact-ea-help/Thanks.