Forum Discussion
Give us back our Origin Client PLEASE!
I hate when game client developers (or any app developer) hijacks the apps you already been using and that's exactly what they did with the Origin Client to me today.
They went and done it now. If you had your Origin client set to allow client updates, you're now effed up. Went to play one of my games this morning with my coffee and the dang thing updated. Guess what the update was!? A notice that forces you to have to upgrade to their new EA app client and you can't close it. This means you can no longer interact with your Origin client and cannot launch any of the games you've installed already due to that pop up notice taking control.
Ok, so.... I'm editing my original post (here at the beginning) so it's easy to find for those having issues due to that faulty EA client we're forced to use now. Unfortunately, some of the newer games will be looking for it to be installed and give errors if it's not so, we'll need to actually install the darn junky EA client. But, here's how to get your games working again;
You can get the last good working Origin client 'FULL' installer on TechSpot;
Keep the EA client app installed cuz, it's needed for verification in some games. But, you'll want to change some of it's settings. Disable 'start with Windows. Change game install directory to the Origin clients game install directory... \Orign Games. Link steam if you have games bought through Steam for EA/Origin. Restart PC after all this so all these changes are saved in Windows Registry.
Now install the Origin client, log'll self update and softlock due to that stupid EA client notice. That's ok. Close out Origin client. (Run task manager and kill the Origin web helper keeps running in background.) Now open file explorer and change view settings to 'show hidden system files and folders.'
In the C: drive, you should now see a folder called "Program Data." Open it and go to the Origin folder.......
Stop origin client loading EA app message;
1. Open C:\ProgramData\Origin\local.xml in notepad
2. Add new key there:
<Setting key="MigrationDisabled" type="1" value="true" />
This should go at bottom just above the last line which is "</Settings>."
Save the file and exit. Now launch Origin and that stupid notice will be gone.
If a game is not working correctly, click it in Origin client library, click the gear icon and select 'Repair.' If it still doesn't seem to work, try uninstalling and re-installing.
If it's a game bought through steam, you'll install it using steam. Then launch Origin client, select that game in the library.... it'll show a 'download' button still. Click it, Origin will find the steam install and change the button to 'Play.' Always play your games using the Origin Client 'Play' button within it's library. Some games you can get away with creating a shortcut to the game exe directly to your desktop but, some will try an launch the EA client instead of Origin client. Should already have the Origin client running when playing an EA Game though. So, it's probably just as easy to stick with using it's play buttons. There maybe some games that will complain if the EA client background service is not running. In those cases, simply launch the EA client and minimize it....then use the Origin client instead.
Special thx go to @tom_looken for providing the link to the initial solution of getting Origin client working again.
- 2 years ago
Product: The EA app
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) Fix it or bring back origin
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Other (Please Describe)
Please describe The Log in
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 14/02/2023
Summarize your bug Everytime i try to log in it refuses to let me
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try using another computer than the office computers you use
What happens when the bug occurs? An endless loop of telling me to log in
What do you expect to see? Eiter Origin resurrected or the App fixed
- 2 years ago
Return Origin. I won't install EA APP to my program files. Let me install it somewhere else. Also don't make EA APP start some spyware program even when EA APP is off. Fix your crap EA.
- 2 years ago
I have factory rest my pc three times to get it to work spoiler alert it didn’t work
- 2 years ago
Product: The EA app
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) c1e27ab6-5bd6-4ee6-9ada-39f152a06429
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Launch Game
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) Always. EA App never worked.
Summarize your bug Games purchased under Origin via EA Play do not show up in EA App. These games cannot be launched and cannot be added or deleted. This is only a serious problem since EA disabled Origin on Feb08 (and also the previous time EA elected to disable Origin for a while, in December I think).
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Not at all sure. Not clear to me what info you have to work with from the Error Report. A lengthy description of what I see is copied in the HTML section below.
What happens when the bug occurs? Nothing happens, other than an error message. That is the problem.
What do you expect to see? If EA App were working I would expect my games to launch.
EA App is unusable for many of your customers. This is hard to explain since you had Origin's working code base to begin from.
Despite EA App's disfunction, you elected to disable Origin on Feb08. Why on earth would you do this? Why do you resist un-disabling Origin?
Today is the ninth day without service for many of us. This is getting to the point where you need to refund our subscription payments.
Here is the lengthy description I posted in the "You don't have access" thread a few days ago.
- Everything is fine under Origin. So naturally EA had to disable Origin on Feb08.
- EA App recognizes all of my Origin games (obtained via EA Play) except BFV and BF1. For instance BF2042 and CnCRemastered are there.
- If EA App is already running and I endeavor to launch either of these directly -- e.g. bfv.exe or bf1.exe -- I get the familiar Access error.
- If EA App is not already running, running bfv.exe or bf1.exe simply launches EA App with no other conversation.
- If EA App is already running and I endeavor to launch either of these directly -- e.g. bfv.exe or bf1.exe -- I get the familiar Access error.
- Since EA App does not list BFV or BF1 in My Collection, I endeavored to to add them.
- Attempting to add BFV or BF1 to My Collection (Manage -> Add to collection) briefly says "Watering the plants ..." then quits with no apparent change.
- Attempting to Download BF1 briefly states "Watering the plants ..." then pops up the "There's a problem with your download" error.
- Attempting to Download BFV is different. It briefly states "Watering the plants ..." then produces the "Download Options" window then the "Terms of play" window before "Preparing ..." to download for several minutes before * out with "There's a problem with your download".
- Attempting to add BFV or BF1 to My Collection (Manage -> Add to collection) briefly says "Watering the plants ..." then quits with no apparent change.
- 2 years ago@HunkaBurninL0ve this bloody application drives me crazy ! I have the same problem, there is nobody who gives a flying * about our problem as I figured out, I spent like more then 10 hours + download required times for applications + game itself and no progress at all, stupid bloody application !! bring back ORIGIN we want to play !! we have paid the freaking money for this game !
- Everything is fine under Origin. So naturally EA had to disable Origin on Feb08.
- 2 years ago
Product: The EA app
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) an error on our end!!
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Launch Game
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 16.2.2023
Summarize your bug bring back origin
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? ....
What happens when the bug occurs? .....
What do you expect to see? .....
so ive been playing fifa 23 on the ea app since launch, worked fine , have 1000+ hours on the game. had bug where couldnt load i had to delete my settings when lauching the game, did that worked fine, then i had a bug where i couldnt laod the anti cheat , i uninstalled ea app went over to origin game worked fine, now being forced to use ea app , i have same problem as others with error mesg 'an error on our end caused your game to fail etc' ive tried all the help on here cleared cache , repair on app , uninstalled and reinstalled game , run it as administrator , unticked run as admin , allowed all ea and fifa 23 to pass through firewall, i even went as far as turning off all anti virus loading the game and still does not work . nothing works for me . called ea for help out of the 20 diffrent people i spoke with they gave 20 diffrent answers, telling me change my bios settings, change my DNS settings XD , one person told me a million people are playing the game with no issue so it must be my pc. another person said ill put you on hold brb and didnt come back for over 25 mins so i hung up. it is disgusting customer service full of people that have zero clue on what to do but just to reffer you to trouble shooting steps . EA are a shocking and disgracful company that dont care about their player base becuase they make billions a year.
- 2 years ago
I had four EA "Support" people contact me over the last week. All of them gave the same boilerplate run around: clear cache, repair EA Desktop, uninstall this, reinstall that, Contact Microsoft Support - WHAT?. I re-installed Origin which forced me to update to EA again.
As I have said in other threads, EA Software DEVs released a product into the wild that is still in a development cycle and has not been properly tested, integrated, and quality controlled.
/sarc/ But hey, EA added Non Binary and TRANS characters to the SIM 4! /sarc off/
EA: Either, fix EA Launcher or bring back Origin otherwise you are going to loose a good chunk of your customer base.
- 2 years ago
@durt_knap wrote:/sarc/ But hey, EA added Non Binary and TRANS characters to the SIM 4! /sarc off/
This is an irrelevant indictment of Maxis, the developer creating content for The Sims. EA is just the publisher. This issue with the EA App is WHOLLY EA's, comes from them and their team, and has nothing to do with the individual game developer studios that EA owns.
Don't let EA off the hook for this nightmare by looking at their developers who actually are working on improving and adding content/functionality to the games.
- 2 years ago@prayingPantis This is an indictment of EA and all it touches, even its subs. If Maxis can add irrelevant content to a product then take a victory lap about it, EA can fix their stupid launcher.
- 2 years ago
Note that this thread is merged from SEVERAL other threads that were complaining about the state of things. Note that this means that the EA employees have read everything, they are just not giving us any answers or addressing our complaints.
- 2 years ago
@TotallyNotAShark wrote:Note that this thread is merged from SEVERAL other threads that were complaining about the state of things. Note that this means that the EA employees have read everything, they are just not giving us any answers or addressing our complaints.
There's probably some PR-centric directive from corporate or management to avoid fixing the issue if it means admitting this is a garbage fire of a middle man application or acknowledging that this a tremendously problematic bug that has been ongoing since 2021.
I get the necessity of EA Play for consoles, but for PC users what is the point of this? If your application is just not fit for GA, then sunset it and let the games launch themselves. Why we're forced to use an app that doesn't work to launch apps that work is mind boggling.
- 2 years ago
My Origin games won't start ! I cant find them on website and your garbage EA app not starting !!
- 2 years ago
Going to leave this here no context but those that what the headline view it
- 2 years ago@tom_looken You are freaky awesome!!!! Thank you so much for finding this workaround.....finally I can play my modded games again.
- 2 years ago
The EA App is USELESS!
The popup installer that opens over Origin when logging into Origin Client FAILED TO INSTALL EA App but successfully UNINSTALLED ORIGIN!
I have now tried no less than 6 times to install the EA App only to receive the EXACT SAME FAILED TO INSTALL message ON ALL 6 attempts
using the EA App Installer downloaded from EA Games site! That's 7 failed installation attempts in 2 days!
I opened a support case for this issue with my computer only to have EA Games Support CLOSE my case WITHOUT ANY SUPPORT ACTION
WITH UNDER 24 HOURS OF OPEN/ACTIVE CASE TIME! And to make matters worse! Then they send me a survey asking me how they did in
my support request?????
Talk about cart before the horse!!!
Top this off with the message on the confirmation page of the support request and assignment of a case number. A Support representative will
contact you within 72 hours! How do they justify closing an unsatisfied, NEWLY OPENED, case in under 24 hours and never have contacted the
customer about the issue support was requested for?
Come on EA Games Team! You gotta get your act back together and provide support to your customers!
Now... I TOO want the Origin Client back! At least issues with it are fairly simple to correct! AND it has a history of actually installing and working
from the start where the EA App is a flat out failure! It is painfully clear that the EA App was not fully vetted before being pushed on customers in
such a short period of time. Add to that the number of complaints about library games NOT showing up under the EA App for those who could get
it to install and launch. Some of those issues being ongoing for weeks now!
- 2 years ago
why has EA replaced origin because I feel like origin was far better than support this I can safely say that at-least we were able to play origin games in offline mode easily unlike now were some of us have to login into EA app so that we can launch an app. please re-launch the origin app for our sake so that we enjoy our games. I also think than it was better to be able to launch FIFA 23 with origin rather than EA.
NOTE: My personal opinion.
- 2 years ago
My thoughts too. I hate this already and I just installed the stupid EA app. I already miss Origin.
- 2 years ago
You can still use Origin client. Some are saying you can re-install it after you've installed the EA app so, then you'd have both.
I guess they're doing this cuz some games need the EA apps background service to work properly.
So, if you want Origin client still, just re-download can get it from multiple places....or;
Stop origin client loading EA app message;
1. Open C:\ProgramData\Origin\local.xml in notepad
2. Add new key there:<Setting key="MigrationDisabled" type="1" value="true" />
This should go at bottom just above the last line which is "</Settings>."
Save the file and exit. Now launch Origin and that stupid notice will be gone. can now play your games properly.
- simfreaks2 years agoNew Scout
Agreed I tried the Beta, Hated it Went back to Origin Everytime they switch to something new, I lose some of my software I haven't even bothered installing this piece of crap again and not sure I want to.
- 2 years ago
Since EA has decided to bury the Origin app and replace it with an advanced version of the EA app, it should retain the original functionality. It is completely incomprehensible to me why such a basic function as the FPS Counter is missing in the EA app. Did someone forget about it, or do the programmers of the application think that FPS Counter will not be needed in the future? For example, Steam's rival app has FPS Counter, just like Origin did. I guess it's progress.
- 2 years ago
Actually, they left a lot more than just the FPS meter out. All the missing settings in the EA client was the whole reason I was P.O.'d about the forced changeover to begin with. Not to mention the fact a cuzillion ppl can't even play some of their games due to how buggy this client is. For instance, there's no settings allowing us to dictate where / what drive we want the EA client to be installed on. I personally keep all my gaming environment on a completely separate drive from my Op. Sys. C: drive. Not happy that EA forces all these various directories all over my C: drive. Even the Origin client did that to some degree but, you had 'some' control over it at least. And, that's just a start.....there's some other settings missing as well. But, that's just small potatoes compared to the myriad of issues ppl not being able to play their games....especially if they've modded them. What happened to the ability to 'NOT' update the client (and games if you wanted) then play in Offline mode? That way....theoretically we should be able to play our games without issue for the rest of time....more or less.....until they go out of business and we can no longer log into the client and no longer play our games.....god forbid that should happen.....which is why I hate being at the mercy of a game client to begin with.
- 2 years ago
Has anyone else noticed that EA has marked this as "SOLVED"?
I just noticed in my tabs on my browser that it shows this forum as a SOLVED case subject matter.
SO... Not only are they pushing this garbage app on us but now they are even spreading false hope that these issues have actually been
addressed and resolved???
Shameful demonstration of EA Games and EA Support DO NOT CARE about the gamers who are their bread and butter!!!
No.. I am not happy... As someone so elequently put it earlier here... I am so P.O'd over this... And I just responded to a support response
asking me if my issue and case have been resolved yet. I informed them that "NO! IT HAS NOT" and that NO ONE from support has even
made a comment about my attachment files (PC info they ask for on all support requests) about what MAY be causing the issue that has
prevented the EA App from installing on my computer. Now after more than 20 attempts it STILL fails to install.
Three different computers with 3 different Origin accounts and over 10 years using Origin and it has come down to this... And with the EA
App first installation attempt I was knocked down to a "NOVICE" user despite all of my history with EA Games and Origin.. Again. Shameful!
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