Product: The EA app
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) an error on our end!!
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Launch Game
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 16.2.2023
Summarize your bug bring back origin
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? ....
What happens when the bug occurs? .....
What do you expect to see? .....
so ive been playing fifa 23 on the ea app since launch, worked fine , have 1000+ hours on the game. had bug where couldnt load i had to delete my settings when lauching the game, did that worked fine, then i had a bug where i couldnt laod the anti cheat , i uninstalled ea app went over to origin game worked fine, now being forced to use ea app , i have same problem as others with error mesg 'an error on our end caused your game to fail etc' ive tried all the help on here cleared cache , repair on app , uninstalled and reinstalled game , run it as administrator , unticked run as admin , allowed all ea and fifa 23 to pass through firewall, i even went as far as turning off all anti virus loading the game and still does not work . nothing works for me . called ea for help out of the 20 diffrent people i spoke with they gave 20 diffrent answers, telling me change my bios settings, change my DNS settings XD , one person told me a million people are playing the game with no issue so it must be my pc. another person said ill put you on hold brb and didnt come back for over 25 mins so i hung up. it is disgusting customer service full of people that have zero clue on what to do but just to reffer you to trouble shooting steps . EA are a shocking and disgracful company that dont care about their player base becuase they make billions a year.