Forum Discussion
@LovelySakuraDoll I don't think the problem is cause by us, the users. Even though I did the steps you mentioned, the problem was not solved either. This is a problem that occurred after the last update. I hope it gets resolved quickly. It's been 4 days.
@710lvp2dkdom yes, since so many of us have the same issue, it has to be a problem from their side. I am just shocked that EA is not communicating with us. We have to chase them for everything, and when we do speak to someone, they just request us to reformat our PC's or just simply wait...
All fingers crossed if enough of us complain and keep raising the issue, they will actually start looking into this!!
- 11 months ago
yep i cant too uninstall ea app , so now iu cant play battlefield because its linked ea account .. so fugging annoying ,
- 11 months ago
Same problem here. I noticed the problem at 19h00 CET. App worked normally yesterday.
How they expect to sell me other games that require a connection to that app and why clients should be the ones looking for a solution to such a problem are questions best left to people wiser than me...
- 11 months agoEA doesn't seem to want to notice the problem that players around the world are complaining about. They still haven't released a hot fix for the app.
- 11 months ago
I don't have this problem on my laptop, but its Nvidia graphics chip is no match for the GTX 1660 Super on my main machine, where this problem occurs for me. So it's not a problem for everyone, but there is a class of users for whom it is. I spent most of the weekend trying the various proposed fixes, and none of them worked. Of course, I did not re-install Windows, because it would take a week for me to re-install the various apps I use and reconfigure all their preferences. It's irresponsible to suggest that people do that.
The problem seems to be confined to version of the EA App, which was rolled out on 16th April. The previous version, whatever it was, worked fine, at least for me. I put together a bug report, complete with an archive of the log folders, and posted it here, but apparently it was deleted without explanation. I'm trying to help the developers diagnose the problem, but it doesn't seem to be appreciated. As a work-around, EA could make the previous version of the app available to affected customers, but they don't seem willing to entertain that possibility.
My second post concerned a way to revert to Origin as a temporary work-around, which did work for me. We paid for licenses to play these games, and have every right to do so during the interim until EA is able to roll out a new version of the app, which will solve this problem. That post was also deleted, which just seems spiteful. If you're interested in this fix, I'll just say that you can't keep secrets from the Internet.
I understand the difficulties of Windows programming, especially in the PC environment, where there is an astronomical number of combinations of hardware and software an app is expected to run on reliably. For that reason, I have patience with this situation. But I'm done with wild goose chases, and doing free QA for software companies. If this post is also deleted, it will be the end of my patronage of EA.
- 11 months agoEA Kimliğiniz/Kullanıcı Adınız: onemonur1990
Sorunun ilk ortaya çıktığı zaman damgası (tarih/saat): 18.04.2024 / 18.00
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