Re: Ea FC 24 When Playing Online there is huge delay when i press the controller
how to remove the delay (input lag) on pc?? I tried everything nothing seems to work.
my defenders feel so hard to move because of it.
also, I wasted two penalties until now (pressed on the green timer but the delay made it red)
it is not fair EA why you care about the things that we don't need in game?
how about trying to fix your gameplay first before moving to the other things?
how about making sure that everyone is having a 50%-win chances to make the game kind of fair!!!!
I tried FIFA 17 it was great but then from FIFA 2018 to fc 24 same issue every year.
I just want to play like other players.
I switched from ps4 to pc I 1650 super, i3 12100 16 ram 1 Tera SSD (location: Jordan, server: Bahrain, ping: 36 - 44)
everything is great all settings are optimized, but still having a heavy game play with some bad delay.