Input lag is unplayable!
How can i play a decent game without having this problem? The first 1 or 2 game is fine but after that it goes to **bleep**! My players reaction is so slow I can’t even express how painful it is to sit there and watch the opponent team easily get the ball from me.
I am playing on PS5 and i don’t remember having this issue on FC24. It’s like how can this happen even now at this stage of the season. It takes a sec before my players can even react after i input an action.
I literally put on the highest vibration settings so i can feel when i pass and receive the ball, even then i can feel that after i input a pass action, it takes awhile before i feel the vibration from the pass. It’s horrible!
And it’s only against online players, i don’t feel it during squad battles or any game against AI opponents.
Please can you explain why this is happening? And fix it please for the community! I play on a Sony OLED TV specifically for gaming, i have internet lan cable with the best connection there is. I don’t know what else to do?
I watched YouTube on how to fix this input lag but it doesn’t seem to even have any difference. Please help solve this!