Forum Discussion

Robertus97's avatar
4 hours ago

Xbox Series X - Home Screen

Hello EA Forums, 

I pre-ordered the digital deluxe edition & from day 1 of early access to current day (October 15th) I have had a constant cycle of inability to play any games within NHL 25. My game loads into WOC/HUT/Franchise & within 5-10 minutes the game defaults to my home screen. I am now currently at a point where I do not know how to resolve this issue & I've done many cycles of the solutions I've seen from others to no succession. 

The area my Series X is in is well ventilated, clean & upkept. I've factory reset my console, internet, settings, uninstalled the game & reinstalled. Deleted all saved files & beyond to no success. Not sure what is left to do as it's the only game I experience any of this issues with overall.. No other Xbox Series X game encounters these issues. 

Thank you in advance & hoping someone here is able to assist... 

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Hi there. Thanks for reaching out. Is the game installed on the internal hard drive or are you using an external/expansion drive? Also, do you have the digital version or is it the physical disk? Are you gamesharing or possibly have another gamertag/PSN ID linked to your account that is also playing?

    • Robertus97's avatar

      Installed on the HD. Game will not play off my external as it is a game reliant on the hardware - Digital Version & Disc Version (I assumed there was a corrupt file in the digital so I purchased physical copy as a test & same results) - I do Gameshare on my Xbox but I am the only person playing it at any given time

      • EA_Aljo's avatar
        Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

        Did this start happening when you started gamesharing? If you stop gamesharing, does it still happen?