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147 Replies
Hi, friend... @ToastedSarnie
Any shooter I’ve ever played had this issue.
Think of the low gravity Turf map in GW2. How many times have you been on uneven teams at the first capture point and been attacked back to the spawn points of the attacking team? For myself, that happened in more than 70% of the games I played.... hated that map with uneven teams just like the current 8v8.
Adjust spawn points and out of bounds (along with a few other adjustments) and 8v8 could be 10x the fun of 12v12 (because there’d be more servers that were full all the time).
I wish the recent changes would have been implemented separate of the 8v8 or a hotfix would’ve been applied shortly after introducing 8v8.
I prefer 4v4 and even I don’t like the current 8v8.... but I’m also betting 12v12 will be less fun with the recent Turf/TTK changes (at which point I’ll be furious 8v8 was never given a fair shot).
- Iron_Guard86 years agoLegend
@ToastedSarnie I have seen spawn camping elsewhere, but not to this extreme. In TF2 the map '2Fort' had this problem occasionally; one team would have at least one demo-man come and plant bombs all over just outside the other team's spawn door so when people would run out to play, they'd detonate them and kill them. It was pretty rare as most servers I made sure to play on had admins to deal with this kind of thing, but it did happen, if rarely.
I've seen it in GW1 and 2 as well, but again, not that often. The issue in the PvZ shooters is since EA owns the servers instead of community ran server like TF2, there aren't admins that can boot people or otherwise deal with problems like this and with no damage drop off for any character, even extreme range attacks are deadly with the general buff to main weapon damage so it actually encourages spawn camping to a degree. When you can sit back at max range and do full damage to the opposing team that are just trying to get out of their spawn, it's all too easy. It's more common for the defender to do so as the attacker's points of egress are limited while the defenders can largely pick and choose where they shoot fro, but I have seen the attackers spawn camp as well as I mentioned earlier on the final point of Peachy District.
That's one advantage the non-TT matches have as the spawn points move around so you can't be 100% sure where people will pop up.
- @spIash_damage Oooh yes buddy, I've had plenty of those games, as a plant on Moon Base or Zomburbia, or as a zombie on Seeds of Time or Great White North, but it does seem excessively BAD in BFN atm - not just occasional games, but just about EVERY game. I can't work out why, which is bugging me!
I can see both sides of the argument for the different lobby sizes. I think what would be ideal is if they ran both as modes - it would give people a chance to try & assess both, but as you say, part of the problem with it at the moment is that other adjustments weren't made for having smaller teams on those big maps.
I can imagine you'd be good with 4 vs 4, but know that would be waaay too competitive for me! 😂
@ToastedSarnie wrote:
@spIash_damageOooh yes buddy, I've had plenty of those games, as a plant on Moon Base or Zomburbia, or as a zombie on Seeds of Time or Great White North, but it does seem excessively BAD in BFN atm - not just occasional games, but just about EVERY game. I can't work out why, which is bugging me!
I can see both sides of the argument for the different lobby sizes. I think what would be ideal is if they ran both as modes - it would give people a chance to try & assess both, but as you say, part of the problem with it at the moment is that other adjustments weren't made for having smaller teams on those big maps.
I can imagine you'd be good with 4 vs 4, but know that would be waaay too competitive for me! 😂BfN will not be competitive in any nature, ever (not even Battle Arena, which I should LOVE) until something is done about server instability that causes me to die in a fraction of a second (even to primary fire of enemies that have to full clip me) without knowing who or what is shooting me. So odd, too, because the lag seems better but I still have people shooting me I never see, etc.
Maybe these servers are better and people with giga-super-uber internet connections finally play at their intended levels? I’m confused at the issue but either way, I don’t consider any PvP in BfN competitive due to asymmetrical, unbalanced teams with poor matchmaking and server instability. 😢 ... but I know whatcha mean.
- @spIash_damage I have gigabit internet, 34ms ping to NA east and either the netcode or the servers are problematic because I still get lag whether it's rubberbanding or delay. I tried a game of TT with the new patch and it seems to be better but I haven't played enough to confirm anything concrete.
@bitcloudrzr wrote:
@spIash_damageI have gigabit internet, 34ms ping to NA east and either the netcode or the servers are problematic because I still get lag whether it's rubberbanding or delay. I tried a game of TT with the new patch and it seems to be better but I haven't played enough to confirm anything concrete.THANK YOU so much for taking the time to voice this as your now the second person who has a superior connection that has had the same issue as myself (and LITERALLY any other person I talk to in BfN).
I have a decent connection of 100/100 (fiber) and ping around 45-60 (Texas here) to West and 20-40 higher to East but any server I play on results in my inevitable death to unknown/unseen abilities or enemies. ... and not that it happens often but more than I can tolerate, I’ll die to a Soldier’s primary fire (for example) in less than a half a second. The server will feel void of lag (for the most part), no glitching, etc, but I’ll still have this odd .... way of dying too quickly. Sometimes rockets hit me that I never see coming, etc.Same with hit detection when I KNOW I’m hitting enemies.
@spIash_damage I have 1000/30 and west is 73ms which is still good. It is upsetting to come from other FB3 engine multiplayer shooters like BFV with 64 players and BF2 with 40, both with great netcode and server stability compared to BFN. They may not be directly comparable, but problems like this have existed through the entire life of GW2 since the beta and were never addressed.
I have to concur that, while spawn camping would occur both in GW1 and GW2 the current state of BfN Turf Takeover is atrocious. You have to expect that this sort of thing will happen occasionally and as long as it's just occasionally I find it tolerable but before I quit playing TT entirely I would see it extremely often and on the only occasions I didn't see it it was only to experience the attackers essentially sprinting through the map and capturing objective after objective in the time it would take a defender to respawn and sprint full tilt back to the fight.
I now play mostly Ops and along with whatever Weekly Challenge is up and running with some Team Vanquish tossed in here and there and I haven't experienced much of the lag that everyone has discussed. My home connection is up to 600Mbps but is usually less than that because I haven't run a wired connection to my PS4 just yet.
This being an EA game I sort of expect that the servers will be garbage because that's been my general experience with them over the years and it's one of the reasons I don't buy the games which they publish any longer- unreliable servers and predatory monetization.
Not giving up on TT yet. Tried a few more rounds tonight(East,Euro,West). Spawned into Peachy with 5 or 6 on each side. Plants spawn camped us. We barely made it up the road to the first few houses...terrible. Spawned into Loggy with 6v6. Team was rolling through sections and I couldn’t even find someone to fight. Checked and it had turned into 6v1. Unchallenged bombs walked in and it was over...terrible. Spawned again into Loggy with 6v6. Zombies made it to final objective and failed. Last match seemed somewhat normal but wasn’t very enjoyable. Looks like this is the reality of playing TT going forward.
My ping is usually 20 or so in west servers. Ive never had a problem with people killing me without me being able to react to it. Killing is still relatively slow compared to gw1 and 2. In gw1, the agent pea can kill someone in less than half a second. Anyways im not trying to boast or anything, this is just my objective experience with this game.
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