Lost all my progress earned since 2009, over 2700 badges, my gems, messages.
I had a hacking issue computer wide not just pogo. I had to update all my visited sites. All went well except for my pogo site. For some reason it seems that my pogo information is all mixed up. I am still able to sign in but there is a picture of pogo Spike in place of my own mini. When I check my personal info everything is Xed out. When I click on my payment info I get sent to a technical page. I chatted with a rep and was left with "we can't restore your progress" All this occurred in mid February and I'm still looking for HELP. Pogo is not member friendly, it is extremely difficult to find where to find help.
I received an email on Monday March 3 from EA Rtas community manager asking me to try again, that pogo reps should be able to sort this out for me. My case number is 203541136, this is from my first attempt to get help on February 18th. I tried the fix of all accounts are linked to emails. I couldn't find any results.
I am looking forward to getting back to pogo from where I initially left off.
Thank You