@EA_Arrenai @BurghBaby
UPDATE 1-23-20: I completed a review of posts at the Answers HQ on the issue of loading problems for the Mahjong Garden HD game. I have created a new post called "Review of Mahjong Garden HD loading failures". The link to the report for this review is below for anyone who wants to read it. I requested that an EA community manager forward the report to the EA Pogo team to assist in their investigation into the loading problems at the Mahjong Garden HD game, especially in cases where the game stopped loading at 85%.
The information below include some ideas that I had considered before starting my review of reports of loading problems with this game.
I am trying to do some research on possible factors causing this problem of the Mahjong Garden HD (MG HD) game failing to load especially where it was reported to stop at 85%. I found the Pogo Insider Blog that indicates that the MG HD game was released at Pogo on June 12 2019. So I am going back and reviewing previous posts of loading failures for this game since June of 2019. I am searching for both reports of failures to load with and without identifying if the loading stopped at 85%, because some people may not report it stopped at 85%. I am searching the database from the AHQ forum to gather information using keyword searches.
Since all of the posts and comments to the posts identify the account names of people reporting the loading problems, it would be possible for the EA Pogo team to contact them through their Pogo emails letting them know they are investigating the cause of this problem and asking to complete a list of questions to help in this investigation. There could be a link in the email for the members to use to gain access to the questionnaire.
Also another way to reach out would be to add a general questionnaire to all players that includes a list of questions the help find common factors. This could pick up more people who are not reporting the problem but still experiencing it.
Another source of information is the database that is maintained for questions to EA advisers. I have no access to that database, but someone from EA could do a separate search using that database to collect more possibly relevant information into the cause of this problem.
I think all 3 ways of searching for answers would be valuable. And both emails and website questionnaires could be useful, because some people do not know where to look for posted questionnaires at the Pogo website, but they all would see that they have a new email in the Pogo mailbox.
I have just started my research on past reports of loading failures with the MG HD game, so I don't have much to report yet about common factors. Also there are only 11 Discussions or Threads in the past year about loading issues with this game, which includes the time frame of the release of the MG HD game. I am finding reports of this problem by several people, most are indicating loading stops entirely at 85%. I might not find much valuable information, but that doesn't mean that reaching out to players by emails and questionnaires couldn't still be performed.