Mi camara no deja de girar/My camera won't stop spinning
Mi cámara no deja de girar, juego en laptop y he tratado de: desactivar el touch pad de la laptop, desconectar el mouse, bajar la sensibilidad del juego, reiniciar laptop, verificar y actualizar drivers, colocar el juego en modo ventana, he realizado todo eso y no hay nada. Ya he revisado otras discusiones con personas con el mismo problema, pero no les han dado solución.
My camera keeps spinning, I play on laptop and I have tried to: disable the touch pad of the laptop, disconnect the mouse, lower the sensitivity of the game, restart laptop, check and update drivers, place the game in windowed mode, I have done all that and there is nothing. I have already reviewed other discussions with people with the same problem, but they have not given them a solution.