Forum Discussion

ghostmonk000's avatar
5 years ago

Suggestions for Hopes


Just my thoughts for squadrons...

  Im not a fan for boosting. I should say that first off. its nice in pod racers, but

Im not enjoying it so much here, all though it has a place here. These revisions would

set only the control scheme mostly. thank you for your time for reading and

may the force be with you! always..

- The option menu toggle adjustment for visible opacity of targeting display HUD objects. < My opinion would be that these objects are displayed by helmet visor as it follows your view around>

- Separate collision damage rates for forward and sides. Forward collisions take three times as much as side collisions.

- Max speed should be increased across all ships. ( thirty percent)

- Acceleration rates should be slowed/lowered across all ships (twenty percent to acceleration and thirty to deceleration). = Slowing down/stopping should be a consequence of speeding up to incorporate more engine dynamic engagement=.

- Y-Wing needs a faster cooldown (ten percent) for all weapons and faster charging ( twenty percent).

- Y-Wing should have a  turret by default with slow firing and long cooling/charging cycles. 

- Rotary Cannon fire should windup faster on overcharged weapons.

- Overcharged weapons should charge auxiliary faster.

- All fire rates should be slowed down and power increased (both by fifteen percent) .

- Cruising speed which replaces the boosting and limits maneuvering (holding down booster button till foils configure and reaching overdrive launch, to a twenty percent faster and repeating the button hold till you drop to previous speed as your foils reconfigure). This speed after use has a cool down time that happens faster at mid thrust speed. Although maneuvering is limited you can turn harder by veering up or down as weapon fire is limited to a trickling of bursts. This can be achieved by shutting down al other power systems besides engines (weapons and shield power) to engage full overdrive engine mode. This is for not other reason besides gaining distance (travel or making escape) <also this helps curcumvent the times 

- B-Wing should have the highest turning which is more abundant to its plane directions.

- B-Wing has the highest acceleration by default, while retaining its slower max speed.

- B-Wing should turn  from the cockpit end ??

- B-Wing gets distance advantage with further sensor locks.

- B-Wing rotates gyroscopic body into a selected default auto rotating(dual-button-press-hold) Four Directional Pre-mapped Position.

- All starfighters up/down plane should turn faster than sideways (B-Wing turns faster depending on position of plane)

- Supply class should have faster shield regeneration.

- Supply class should have higher ammunition supply.

- Supply class should be able to repair ANY ship up to capacity supply amount ( some repair faster than other per supply droid) < this comes from the best feature of battlefront 2005>

- Supply class should have side or rear auto turrets by default.( short bursting slow firing turrets or weak fast firing turret with long cooling/charges breaks) <this way we can keep the slower speeds and still be an effective part of squad as a support class> 

- Boosting should be a an auxiliary modification engine component option (controlled by  double tap boost button) , the controlling modification can be done with double tapping boosting button.< boosting is just killing the game for me as well as the sliding scheme and I feel many are jaded by it >

- A-Wing should be the fastest max speed, but low/average maneuvering.

- Sound FX needs to be separated from cockpit and outside with a options toggle slider. To just hear the near ships/passing and close/large explosions. Only cockpit sounds, instruments and engine of ship and everything that hits it.

- An option to replay the same game mode after end of game. (or restart current game in ingame menu option)

- A panel option to jump into last game mode.

- Take away auto enemy destruction from cruisers and flag ships of invading fighters and Increase laser canon power and slow fire rate down.

- Thrust engines do more internal damage to tailing fighters (like Ion damage that leaves the ships power flailing in a drift). 

- All Tie Fighters should have veering lateral pivot maneuver ability (by holding two bumper buttons and using rotation steering) as they should dominate in acceleration maneuvering.( a sidestepping slide, which can move up to three equal space amounts of the craft size, before it needs to recharge)

- Ties should have less (ten percent) fire power and with rapid burst mode on overcharge (dealing thirty percent more amount of damage with a rotary like bursting and small recharge cool down).

-Tie Defender to have higher acceleration. <giving the class an attack profile to accord with its three foil assembly, also to accompany the B-Wing in surprise attacking> 

-Tie Defender to have farther sensor targeting range. 

- Ties should have faster (twenty percent) weapons charging and shorter cooldowns. 

- Ties should have an extreme up/down(pitch) maneuvering.

- Wide Angle Lens View perspective Option, menu toggle selection to use a wide angle perspective view ( this is the wide perspective that squishes from the side areas of a  thirds portions in a squishing wrap of an expanded vertical center scope like a zoomish perspective, not fish eye as fish eye bends everything from the center point and wiggles your viewing objects). 

- Optional overlook dead stick zone.< allows your stick dead zone to be used to look (up to a third of view, so crosshair would be back to one side of screen) into the steering direction This way those who dont have VR can have a chance and be able to see better.> +++ I use a large dead stick zone for flight games and especially this one that has a bungee control scheme/(rubber banding) so I dont need detailed steering control, which is perfect. So I think using this useless space with a looking option would be perfect to see where you are going+++

Thank You for reading, please comment and leaving an opinion.

8 Replies

  • EA_Joz's avatar
    Icon for EA Staff (Retired) rankEA Staff (Retired)
    5 years ago

    Hey @ghostmonk000 This is a great post! Thank you for your feedback, I'll pass this on to the team🦾


  • =Acceleration Scheme(details)=-

    In this acceleration scheme all ships would need to have their max speeds raised( twenty percent) and deceleration lowered( thirty percent).

    The maneuvering/ turning would need to be lowered on all classes respectfully ( roughly twentyfive percent).

    Also, this requires a cruiser speed option (as described in original post suggestions) which allows you to enter a cruise mode and climb to a faster speed (by a third) and limits maneuverability as well as weapons. 
    The throttle level arm moves with your throttle position stick controller and always rests center of scaling meter position when you let go of throttle.
    So, when you throttle up, the level arm bar will move up range as you move then following is your speed rising till you let go. When you throttle down the level arm bar ranges down the scale, as your speed falls down til. The props are all already there and would all act the same accept the arm acceleration arm bar.
    <this may need a separate option in menu for HOTUS use.. I dont own one to know if they auto retract to center position when you let go>
    ++ it works like todays stick shift cars with a rev meter bar hand, this would be why your engines never shut off and are always glowing++
    This allows acceleration easing.
    < The engine acceleration dictates the turning when throttling, as deceleration holds speed accountable since it takes longer to brake than accelerating and maneuvering is less without accelerating which is in parrel according to class defaults and payloads.>
    Add a modified auxiliary engine booster option, a cooling time for boost charge use.
    So, you are still under balance of your default braking and maneuvering class scheme turn system, which never changes unless you learn throttling and projection steering maneuvering.
    So, the slower you are going the faster you can turn when throttling, until you are at max speed and you can no longer accelerate.
    <This is alot like the" overcharge booster" steering we use today in game but a alot less effective>
     As for overcharged engines, its would be an acceleration charge, which only lets you faster reach the max speed, but no faster speed than your engine class achieves.
    This acceleration allows for more maneuvering with faster turning when throttling up and slowing down, though with your engine in max speed you wouldnt get any turn maneuvering advantages and your maneuvers would be shorter.
    So, if this acceleration scheme would go into play with boosting as an auxiliary boost charge option, only auxiliary booster lets you momentarily exceed your max speed with burst acceleration that requires a cool down that possibly can be affected by your class. It also still allows you to do everything it does now in this present game we have today, like drift sliding turning and all.


    Boosting - If it does go to auxiliary option, one way to do it is have a number of boosts before cooldowns or just have short cool downs per boost( drifting included ).

    ( one press of the auxiliary button to ignite and again for quick a cancellation stop before it reaches full extent of charge < which would cause a squealing roar sound from the expelling exhausting>)

    Look Button configuring - with the boosting button open now with the auxiliary boost charge option, it can now be used for freelook button( hold button down- release to auto recenter view) and/ or target lookahead view( Double Tap Button) to engage and disengage ( Double Tap again) < which looks ahead of where you are steering (which is compatible to enter with deadstick zone looking option)

  • @ghostmonk000 the speed of starfighters shouldn't be increased without increasing the speed of lasers. In the first place, lasers should travel much faster since it's light. Right now, lasers are travelling like a snail compared to even bullets. Increasing starfighter speed in isolation will just result in lasers lagging behind the speed of starfighters more so than they are now.

    Besides, I can't help that several of your requests are an attempt to make things look more like the movie without thinking about actual balance. People are already complaining that they can't shoot down A-Wings, and here you're asking for everything to be sped up even more.
  • ghostmonk000's avatar
    5 years ago

    @Metric-SINISTERThank you for pointing that out. I wasnt trying to say speed of laser travel, but rate of fire speed and power intensity. though that might be a bit of a good thing. the account was to the fact that these lasers are dense plasma lasers and require reaction charging based according to the era. According to the modification drives that were favored in power intensity rather than efficiency and precision. As the empire power was prone to build number on efficacy and speed for elite.

    Even if the lasers were just light waves or lit plasma, the travel would be induced by travel rates of the emitters travel and travel faster respectfully. 

    As of the in the game in play now, these will affect the play in a positive direction. The increased speeds will cause you to work your missile and turret much differently, and leave fighters to engage other fighters. Yes these changes will make it a bit more like the movie, but also in line with the state of the schematics logged in the tech builds. This will also keep A-Wings at bay as they are not as maneuverable by default and they can still be tapped down if need be. I can say they wont be the problem they are at the moment, cause you have a chance to evade and retaliate. Yes they will still be a strike menace, but that is their attribute and they wont be able to have enough fire when their fire rate is down.  so theyll need to be more precise to get the max hits at their rate of speed. if they are going full speed, theyll get less hits although every hit is slightly stronger. your shields should be able to repeal a few of them, as laser power really only affects your hull although it can eat your shields down. This is where your regulation systems allocation skills come into play. This era was focused on power.  

    My delight of everything in this game is seeing how great a prequel era can be done. This was a fine tuned area of unity in its technical peek with precision and balance.

    Also I am in fact concerning about balance in a very profound intent.  As I would make the tie bomber alot faster in tune to the factors of the empire as far as acceleration and give it rear arc turret to at least wart off near attackers like the mandalore purge AT-PD walker lightning cannon or just faster charging auxiliary as too the Y-Wing. 

  • - Acceleration rates should be slowed/lowered across all ships (twenty percent to acceleration and thirty to deceleration). = Slowing down/stopping should be a consequence of speeding up to incorporate more engine dynamic engagement=.

    *{correction} - forty percent to deceleration..

    - Cruising speed which replaces the boosting and limits maneuvering (holding down booster button till foils configure and reaching overdrive launch, to a (twenty percent) faster and repeating the button hold till you drop to previous speed as your foils reconfigure). This speed after use has a cool down time that happens faster at mid thrust speed. Although maneuvering is limited you can turn harder by veering up or down as weapon fire is limited to a trickling of bursts. This can be achieved by shutting down al other power systems besides engines (weapons and shield power) to engage full overdrive engine mode. This is for not other reason besides gaining distance (travel or making escape) <also this helps circumvent the times>

    *{correction} - to a (thirty percent) faster

  • - Boosting should be a an auxiliary modification engine component option (controlled by double tap boost button) , the controlling modification can be done with double tapping boosting button.< boosting is just killing the game for me as well as the sliding scheme and I feel many are jaded by it >


    - Boosting as a Countermeasures Component, activating a countermeasure booster  is a engine overdrive  that would allow you to decelerate and accelerate much faster than your engine can normally drive efficiently, while giving you major maneuvering and hyper drifting on top of the increased max speed for a limited time before needing a cool down and recharge.(This can vary in amount according to modification attributes so everything it does now). This works as your normal drive control of the duration of time. It shuts off automatically into cooling and recharge, but you can disengage it earlier if you push the button again and the cooling charge time starts.

  • ghostmonk000's avatar
    5 years ago

    @ghostmonk000Acceleration NOTE : THROTTLING.
    This acceleration scheme conducts engine speed, but what the throttling also functions as is the amount of acceleration. (this requires separate throttling SoundFX). So, you can have further control over acceleration sensitivity. (this can also add, double tap functions to top acceleration and bottom acceleration.)
    This throttle accelerator has a recentering function for consoles, as the lever will self when released. So, you would need to hold your acceleration till you get your desired speed. so, for a drift you would max your throttle turn and release to achieve subdrifting advanced maneuvering. Of course in this accelerator scheme you can get better results with higher EngineConversion settings wnd with OverCharge you can achieve full TurboAccelerated throttle drifting and dead drifting at higher speeds. This does not allow you to go faster than your max speed. Only TurboBoosting Countermeasers allow this and everything it does now for a limited time.


    Also a CORRECTION to CounterMeasure TurboBoosting is that you only need to recharge/ cool the amount you use, but you cant use it again until its fully recovered and reverted to use again.

  • C a s e  :  F o r  T h e  Tie Lateral Pivot Veering Maneuver Ability

    The tie is in need of  a counter to the lack of shields. My previous thought was to have only ties being able to do Advance Drifting, but that seems too extreme( and will upset the pod racer community). So, my next issue was to have boosting put into a Modified Component, which CounterMeasure Seemed the proper fit. This was fine, but did not really adress the Shield Issue completely, although it does give some sway as it does accomplish a great many issues in the games balance and for star wars its self. What this did do for sure is establish a goal to open a button for other use.  Free The Button campaign, it would be called in this galaxy.. So, doing this I expressed that a free button can advance the game into the next episode as a Special Operations button. Which can be used from Rolling A-Wings, to Configuring Foils and a Rotating Gyro Wing or as now it can be used for a Tie Lateral PivotVeering Maneuver ability. 

    So, I embarked on suggesting the  Tie Lateral Pivot Veering Control( aka Pivot Translation Steering) ability.  Maneuvering like this can help in evade missile impacts and combined with turning and drifting can become an advanced fierce counter measure that can make shields look primitive.  These are my main points fr this much needed issue of balancing and it may very well work in the production we are playing now by using the unused shield power converter button < right or up Direction Pad to toggle or Hold and Release>. With the proposed acceleration scheme with TurboBooster Countermeasure component, which frees a button for special operations to be use as a hold/ release or toggle for this Tie Pivot Veering which is controlled with your roll. 

    Thank You again for reading. All comments welcome. 

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